Bitten by the vampire

Ok, I am hooked. I watched Twilight for the first time and now I am reading the book.
I honestly can't put it down. I really didn't know at first if I wanted to get into this whole Vampire thing. I mean yeah, I like ghost and all, but they are real(Yes, I know not everyone believes in them)..Vampires, well, they are fantasy right? Well, not in this series they are real, and young and sexy. I can certainly see what all the talk has been about. Even my daughter is reading the book. She never reads a book. Ok, I'm out of here. I think I heard Edward calling for Bella.
Labels: Chit Chat
Welcome to the world of Twilight! I've read all the books too, courtesy of Nell, my 14yr old bookworm. I too found myself captivated by the Cullen family, much to my daughters amusment! She has a bidge on her bag which reads "Am i the only one having difficulty in accepting the fect that Edward Cullen isn't real?"
There are whole websites devoted to all things Cullen, including people who actually role play these characters, spending their evenings fantasizing that they are in some way either:-
A) They are in some way connected to the Cullens, or
B) They actually ARE one of the Cullens!.....Hmmmm
It takes all kinds i suppose? Anyway, happy reading, i'm sure you'll enjoy them all and the dvd will be out soon if it's not already in your part of the world so there's something else to look forward too!!! :-) xXX
I haven't seen the movie nor read the books...yet! lol I keep hearing how everyone is getting hooked on it so I may just have to see for myself:-) xoxo
Ah-ha! Another "Twihard" in the making, I see! I read the entire series this past Fall and, of course, fell for Edward like so many other teenagers and their moms before me.
I was a little disappointed in the movie but having now watched it a total of three times, I guess I can forgive some of the director's "creative license" though I still think it's hard for people who haven't read the book to follow. At work Sunday my partner kept having to pause the movie to ask me what was going on!
I'm hoping they do a lot better with movie #2 so I know Edward won't be in a lot as it's more Jacob-oriented.
Enjoy the books!
We watched the movie a few days ago. It was very good, and books are always better than the movie. Hubbie has always liked vampire movies.
Hope you enjoy the book.
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