Some Family History
Ok, so you know how I have suddenly become obsessed with The American Civil War since deciding to go to Gettysburg. Well, let me tell you some cool stuff. I found out that THREE of my Great Great grandfathers served in the Civil War, on the side of the confederacy. That in itself is not so strange, most men of fighting age did go off to war at some point between 1861–1865, What is strange though is TWO of them lived in the same area in Georgia so they signed up and served in the same unit. Remember now these two men are NOT related to each other. One man James Paschal is my ancestor from my DAD side of the family from his dad and the other one Thomas Langley is my MOM side and is from her MOM. The third man James F. Barker is my ancestor from my mom, but on her DAD side. James Baker served in a different unit but also lived in the same area of Georgia. I find all this very interesting because if any of these men had been killed I might not be here today.
James Barker by the way missed being in Gettysburg because he was sick in the hospital in Richmond VA. The others in his unit fought there.
Grandpa Langley and Grandpa Paschal fought in Vicksburg MS. were captured and later release. All were sick
Langley, T.J. Private May 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 8, 1863. Pension records show he contracted measles at Chattanooga, Tenn. in spring of 1862, and typhoid fever, resulting in chronic diarrhea, in 1863, which permanently disabled him. (Born in Ga. Jan 21, 1833. Died in Heard County, Ga. Sept. 12, 1900.)

James F, Barker
Pvt Co D, 35th Georgia Calvary
Enlisted on 28 Aug 1862 in Decatur, Georgia
14 Nov 1862: paid $74.28 for Aug 28-Oct 31, 1862
Jun-Aug 1863 Jackson Hospital in Richmond, Va with pneumonia and furloughed 30 days on
13 Aug, 1863
(The battle in Gettysburg was JULY 1-3)
May/July 1864 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
Sep/Oct 1864 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
Nov/Dec 1864 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
Jan/Feb 1865 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
(James Barker with his wife Sarah in later years)

I do not have a picture of James Paschal but this is what I know about him.
James Paschal was a member of Co. K 56th Infantry CSA and was a private in 12 May 1862. Born in Morgan County Ga. 22 Dec. 1828. He is mentioned in Dr. Peddy`s book as becoming deathly sick with pneumonia, while his unit was in Kentucky and he just barely survived. He later returned to duty and was captured and paroled at the battle of Vicksburg. He surrendered with his unit at Greensboro, NC, on 26 April 1865.
Also I have several great great uncles who served with these men on both sides of my family.
James Barker by the way missed being in Gettysburg because he was sick in the hospital in Richmond VA. The others in his unit fought there.
Grandpa Langley and Grandpa Paschal fought in Vicksburg MS. were captured and later release. All were sick
Langley, T.J. Private May 12, 1862. Captured at Vicksburg, Miss. July 4, 1863, and paroled there July 8, 1863. Pension records show he contracted measles at Chattanooga, Tenn. in spring of 1862, and typhoid fever, resulting in chronic diarrhea, in 1863, which permanently disabled him. (Born in Ga. Jan 21, 1833. Died in Heard County, Ga. Sept. 12, 1900.)

James F, Barker
Pvt Co D, 35th Georgia Calvary
Enlisted on 28 Aug 1862 in Decatur, Georgia
14 Nov 1862: paid $74.28 for Aug 28-Oct 31, 1862
Jun-Aug 1863 Jackson Hospital in Richmond, Va with pneumonia and furloughed 30 days on
13 Aug, 1863
(The battle in Gettysburg was JULY 1-3)
May/July 1864 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
Sep/Oct 1864 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
Nov/Dec 1864 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
Jan/Feb 1865 Danville, Va Hospital : Chronic Diarrhea
(James Barker with his wife Sarah in later years)

I do not have a picture of James Paschal but this is what I know about him.
James Paschal was a member of Co. K 56th Infantry CSA and was a private in 12 May 1862. Born in Morgan County Ga. 22 Dec. 1828. He is mentioned in Dr. Peddy`s book as becoming deathly sick with pneumonia, while his unit was in Kentucky and he just barely survived. He later returned to duty and was captured and paroled at the battle of Vicksburg. He surrendered with his unit at Greensboro, NC, on 26 April 1865.
Also I have several great great uncles who served with these men on both sides of my family.
Labels: Family Life
This is awesome!!!Not to say amazing! LOL It's incredible how life works... You know, I'm reading this book from the author of Sophie's World, called The Solitaire Mystery, where at a certain point hte character talks abot it, if one of his ancestrals has died, he wouldn't be there! These little things that make you wonder how amazing life is. Beautiful post, Autumn, loved it.
Kisses from Nydia.
PS: How's your husband, good news?
I have pass family member who serve in civil was and all Yankees I know of.
I don’t know if any went to Gettysburg or not.
My great grand father on my mom father side serve.
ELISHA KLINE2 MCCALMANT who was part of Military: August 1, 1864, H,14, Inf. Iowa.
Military: Co K 24th Inf Regt.
My great grand mother CYNTHIA MYRA father LEVI MILO BRUNSON, also served in the civil war 118 Reg't, Co. A, Volunteers Illinois.
My great grand dad Duane Witherell served also in the civil war out of Michigan and he was one of the people who shot part of the 21 gun salute of President Lincoln grave.
Duane older brother Henry also was in war in Calvary and died of disease
None of my family from pass you would every read in history book.
What an interesting post! I have always been interested in the Civil War. My people were not in America at the time of the war. Dan's family comes from North Carolina and Virginia, way back, so I'm sure they fought in the Civil War, but we don't have any information. I guess I can call Dan and Kristen Johnny Rebs!
No wonder you want to go to Gettysburg.
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