Yep, there is an ear. I see it. I've been to Williamsburg on several occasions, but somehow missed this tree. Of course, that was before I started posting Odd Shots or I might have been more observant!
When I first saw it, I thought it was growing something! Then I saw the ear. This so errie yet so cool. I love trees like this. I think you win the prize today for the oddest I have seen thus far. Thanks for your comment on mine. Guess we were on the same tree wave length. LOL
Yep! right in the middle or do you mean the calliflower ears from wrestling? :)
Patty~thanks for stopping by! And you know, it looks like it is growing more than an ear~LOL.
Yep, there is an ear. I see it. I've been to Williamsburg on several occasions, but somehow missed this tree. Of course, that was before I started posting Odd Shots or I might have been more observant!
I wonder what causes that. Probably some kind of relatively benign parasite.
I see all kinds of odd things on that tree - like the mutant platypus to the right of the ear. It almost looks like a totem!
It does, but you can also see animals and looking at clouds. Cool tree...
When I first saw it, I thought it was growing something! Then I saw the ear. This so errie yet so cool. I love trees like this. I think you win the prize today for the oddest I have seen thus far.
Thanks for your comment on mine. Guess we were on the same tree wave length. LOL
Growing an ear and about 10 other body parts. I hear there is a good black market trade in body parts. (grin)
Nice odd photo.
Thanks for the visit,
Troy and Martha
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