awards tags and stuff
I was tagged by PepperLady to do this meme called first sentence meme
Take the first sentence of the first post you wrote for the month. So, for example, here is the first sentence of the first post in January 2008:
January..."First let me say Happy New Year to all my blogging friends. May your days be filled with sunshine and happiness."
February..."Like many Pagan holidays, Imbolc has a Celtic connection as well, although it wasn’t celebrated in non-Gaelic"
March..."One of the daily things I do at work is go into the food court for Ice Tea from Chick Fil A and yesterday was no exception,"
April..."This week was hard for me, The only thing I seem to have among my photos that started with a K is one of my Kitchen."
May..."April's showers have given way to rich and fertile earth, and as the land greens, there are few celebrations as representative of fertility as Beltane"
June..."Look what washed up on the beach the other day."
July..."This is the Moore House where the British surrendered to the American and French Armies"
August..."This photo was taken while riding in the car across the Hampton Roads Bridge and Tunnel from Hampton VA. To Norfolk VA."
September..."On this date in the sixth century B.C., the Persian prophet and mystic known as Zoroaster was born."
October..."I wanted to let everyone know that I have changed the Gettysburg blog a bit."
November..."I am asking everyone to please say a prayer for my brother in law Tim."
December..."I promised several months ago that on Dec. 1 I would release the photo I took of the mirror in the Jennie Wade house (Gettysburg PA.)."
I am not tagging anyone because I have seen this done already on several blogs but feel free to play along if you haven't done this yet...
Also I want to thank Muse Swing for this award

Take the first sentence of the first post you wrote for the month. So, for example, here is the first sentence of the first post in January 2008:
January..."First let me say Happy New Year to all my blogging friends. May your days be filled with sunshine and happiness."
February..."Like many Pagan holidays, Imbolc has a Celtic connection as well, although it wasn’t celebrated in non-Gaelic"
March..."One of the daily things I do at work is go into the food court for Ice Tea from Chick Fil A and yesterday was no exception,"
April..."This week was hard for me, The only thing I seem to have among my photos that started with a K is one of my Kitchen."
May..."April's showers have given way to rich and fertile earth, and as the land greens, there are few celebrations as representative of fertility as Beltane"
June..."Look what washed up on the beach the other day."
July..."This is the Moore House where the British surrendered to the American and French Armies"
August..."This photo was taken while riding in the car across the Hampton Roads Bridge and Tunnel from Hampton VA. To Norfolk VA."
September..."On this date in the sixth century B.C., the Persian prophet and mystic known as Zoroaster was born."
October..."I wanted to let everyone know that I have changed the Gettysburg blog a bit."
November..."I am asking everyone to please say a prayer for my brother in law Tim."
December..."I promised several months ago that on Dec. 1 I would release the photo I took of the mirror in the Jennie Wade house (Gettysburg PA.)."
I am not tagging anyone because I have seen this done already on several blogs but feel free to play along if you haven't done this yet...
Also I want to thank Muse Swing for this award

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