Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Kitty Kitty

I had to run a few errands today, and since I am still learning my way around the area I took the long way home just for fun. Out of the corner of my eye I saw the local SPCA, with a sign that said petting zoo. I had my grandson with me and I knew this was a great way to show him some farm animals. I have been showing him books and telling him how the duck goes quack and the sheep says bah for awhile now, and he is just beginning to get the idea. I knew seeing the real thing would be fun for both of us so we paid the small fee they were asking and went in. As soon as I opened the gate I was asking myself why is it that I never seem to have my camera with me when I want it. I would have loved to have a few pictures of the chickens, ducks, turkeys, and peacocks. Several of the goats were expecting little ones in the spring and like most petting zoos this one offered a machine where you can buy food for a quarter. I think the animals must be smarter than the humans because the minute I opened my purse for the change I had three of four new best friends waiting for the feed to drop. I feed them a few handfuls and moved on. In the outer cages we saw a bald eagle, a black panther, a mountain lion, and a kangaroo. They even had a display with sea lions in it. Of course my grandson called everything a kitty since that is one of the few words he can say. I thought it was pretty impressive to be part of the ASPCA, and not a real zoo, especially for a little tot.
Back inside the main building we visited with the dogs and cats. My heart went out to all of them and I wanted to bring them home with me. There were several beautiful cats. I plan on going back again soon with the camera.

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Blogger Peggy said...

thanks for stopping by my blog. I have enjoyed my visit to yours also. We have something in commmon... I collect chickens too. In my archives are some photos of my chicken rug and other items... not to mention I have 54 real baby chicks at the moment! LOL

March 1, 2006 at 8:47 PM  

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