
Do to a recent move, we had to give away our pets. I miss them terribly. For most of my adult life I have always had a pet of some sorts. There have been so many cats or dogs in and out of my life that I have lost track of which one was which and there are to many names to remember. Maybe this is one reason why my daughter ask me not to bring mine along when she moved into the new place. She said she doesn't ever remember living in a house that wasn't filled with cat hair or summer fleas. I have to admit it does feel nice not having to pull the hair off my clothes or sweep up the fur balls and dust bunnies. But I still miss the compainionship an animal offers. Due to this I have adopted my ex-husband cats.
Meet Gizmo.(Pictured above) He is a sweet cat when he isn't in a "mood" He still has a lot of kitten in him. He will love you one minute and pounce on your heels the next. He has a cat friend Lily who is the sister of the cat I just gave away. Lily is shy and although she will come out and visit she keeps to herself. I prefer animals a bit more social, like Gizmo. Claws and all.. I kind of like this living next door thing. When I want to visit I can, and when I go home I can leave the fur behind
What a difficult decision to give away your pets; I understand though.
Gizmo is a handsome cat and he knows it! :-)
I couldn't live without my pets, but I must say the lack of hair on just about everything sounds tempting!
Gizmo a beautiful kitty.
Nice kitty! Yeah, often I think it would be lovely not to be surrounded by drifts of dog hair and clinging cat fur. But then I look into those eyes and wonder how I'd live without them!
Oh, he's a handsome guy! Such beautiful markings. A house is not a home if you haven't got a cat in it.
Aaaww, a really beautiful cat. I just love tabbies. Must be hard to be without your cats ... don't think I could do it. Take care, Meow
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