Getting to know me
I found this fun little meme in my drafts folder. I'm sorry I don't remember who's blog it was on. If I remember right the idea of this meme is to use photos as the answer so see how many you can get right without looking at the answers at the bottom of the page. Also if do this on your blog let me know so I can come by and see your answers
1. Town where you live?

2. Your favorite place

3. Town where you were born

4.Your first name

5. Best Friends Name

6.Your last name

7. A place you would like to travel to

8.Your favorite animals

9. First name of a past love

10.Age at next birthday

11.Your favorite food

12.Bad habit of yours

13.Your favorite color

14.Name of a past pet

15.Your screen name

16.Your middle name

17.First job

18.Grandmothers name

1. I live in Newport News Va. This is a great place to come on vaccation. We have a lot of history here. Jamestown and Willaimsburg are on one side. Norfolk VA home of the largest Naval Base is close by, along with Virginia Beach.
2. I would have to say that Cades Cove in the Smokey Mountains is my favorite place.It is a beautiful valley
3. I was born in LaGrange Georgia, and lived there until I was five. It is just south of Atlanta
4. It's really Patricia, but everone calls me Patty or Pat
5.My best friend is my husband, and his name is really Dean but we met on the Internet and he used the nick name PonyMan, so I choose that as my answer
6. Is spelled a little different but a take off from this word
7. I would love to see Stonehenge in England
8. I like dogs and cats so I picked both.
9. When I was about 14 I had a terrible crush on the boy across the street (Clyde). He is the first boy I was allowed to go out with(only to church things)My dad was Military and we moved and I was gone for about a year. We moved back to the same house, but by then he had a new girlfriend. Although I had dated other boys by then I still had a crush on Clyde. We never dated again but I did go on a few double dates with him and his girlfriend. We both went our own ways, but to me he will always be my "first boyfriend"
10. Whooo Hooo...Bring on the senior citizen discounts!
11.Rare please, with grilled onions and mushrooms. Throw on a little A-1 sauce..yummy
12. Yes, I'm afraid it is true. I bite my nails. Sigh! I've done it ever since I can remember and I hate it but I just don't seem to stop.
13.I love anything purple or aqua blue
14.I had a cat name Miss Kitty
15.As you know I use Autumn as a screen name for the Internet
16, Ann
17. My first job was babysitting in the neighborhood. I made 50 cants and hour and usually averaged 3 a night.
18.My grandmothers were both very close to me when I was growing up. My mom's mother (in the first photo) was named Eva, and my dad's mother was named Ida. They both lived into there 90's and I still miss them very much
Well that is the end of this meme. I think there were a couple of questions I don't have, so feel free to make up some questions if you want to add to it.
1. Town where you live?

2. Your favorite place

3. Town where you were born

4.Your first name

5. Best Friends Name

6.Your last name

7. A place you would like to travel to

8.Your favorite animals

9. First name of a past love

10.Age at next birthday

11.Your favorite food

12.Bad habit of yours

13.Your favorite color

14.Name of a past pet

15.Your screen name

16.Your middle name

17.First job

18.Grandmothers name

1. I live in Newport News Va. This is a great place to come on vaccation. We have a lot of history here. Jamestown and Willaimsburg are on one side. Norfolk VA home of the largest Naval Base is close by, along with Virginia Beach.
2. I would have to say that Cades Cove in the Smokey Mountains is my favorite place.It is a beautiful valley
3. I was born in LaGrange Georgia, and lived there until I was five. It is just south of Atlanta
4. It's really Patricia, but everone calls me Patty or Pat
5.My best friend is my husband, and his name is really Dean but we met on the Internet and he used the nick name PonyMan, so I choose that as my answer
6. Is spelled a little different but a take off from this word
7. I would love to see Stonehenge in England
8. I like dogs and cats so I picked both.
9. When I was about 14 I had a terrible crush on the boy across the street (Clyde). He is the first boy I was allowed to go out with(only to church things)My dad was Military and we moved and I was gone for about a year. We moved back to the same house, but by then he had a new girlfriend. Although I had dated other boys by then I still had a crush on Clyde. We never dated again but I did go on a few double dates with him and his girlfriend. We both went our own ways, but to me he will always be my "first boyfriend"
10. Whooo Hooo...Bring on the senior citizen discounts!
11.Rare please, with grilled onions and mushrooms. Throw on a little A-1 sauce..yummy
12. Yes, I'm afraid it is true. I bite my nails. Sigh! I've done it ever since I can remember and I hate it but I just don't seem to stop.
13.I love anything purple or aqua blue
14.I had a cat name Miss Kitty
15.As you know I use Autumn as a screen name for the Internet
16, Ann
17. My first job was babysitting in the neighborhood. I made 50 cants and hour and usually averaged 3 a night.
18.My grandmothers were both very close to me when I was growing up. My mom's mother (in the first photo) was named Eva, and my dad's mother was named Ida. They both lived into there 90's and I still miss them very much
Well that is the end of this meme. I think there were a couple of questions I don't have, so feel free to make up some questions if you want to add to it.
Labels: Just For Fun
great me-me, autumn! I am going to visit Stonehenge when I visit Cornwall in 2009!
What fun! What lovely photos of your grandparents!
I sincerely hope you get to visit Stonehenge.
This is an interesting meme. Patty is a lovely name. I also have a friend with the same name.
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