Monday, December 15, 2008

A Christmas in Bloggyland Tour

Christmas Myspace Divider

Good Morning

Muse Swings is hosting the Christmas in Bloggyland Tour today and I thought it would be a fun way to visit blogs I have not been to before and get a chance to drool over all the beautiful things everyone is posting about. I have already posted some photos of my things this year so if your a regular reader of mine please bear with me as I report them again.

Christmas Myspace Divider

This is our tree this year

and this is my favorite ornament on it

It is not very pretty and as you can see it is old, but when I was a child it hung on our tree. It is the only one that has survived the fifty plus years since then so I cherish it the most out of all of the ones I have had over the years.

Christmas Myspace Divider

Here are some of my favorite decorations on the top of my entertainment center

Christmas Myspace Divider

This is my kitty Maggie, she thinks she is the queen of the house

At lest she is laying some where other than the shelves with my snowmen on them.

I have two cats and they love to knock off the things I keep on display

It is hard to decorate when you have an apartment that is small like mine, but I always enjoy putting out a few things.
Christmas Myspace Divider

Our Christmas this year as with Christmas in the past will start on Christmas Eve with a family dinner at my mothers house.

The last few years have been a bit sad because we lost my dad four years ago on Dec. 22, but he loved Christmas so I always try to look forward to that night because it is one of the few times of the year that the entire family is in the same place at the same time.
We load her tree with packages and then all sit down to eat. One of our favorite traditions is to have
Christmas Myspace Divider

Cheese Fondue

2 T flour
8 oz Swiss Cheese
1 1/2 c dry white wine, (preferably Emerald Dry by Paul Mason)
4 to 6 oz. Gruyere Cheese
12 oz. Muenster or Monterrey Jack Cheese

Put wine in fondue pot and heat to just below boiling. Have all the cheese chopped in small cubes. Coat the cheese with the flour and add it a little at a time to the hot wine. Sire over medium heat until all the cheeses are melted. Keep warm on electric burner or Sterno while serving
Have cutes of hard bread cut into bit size pieces and ready to spear and dip into the cheese.

Christmas Myspace Divider
Along with this yummy cheese and bread we usually have bits of streak which we fry in hot grease heated in the fondue pot. Sometimes as a special treat we have boiled shrimp, which taste so good dipped in butter. There is usually cake and pie, along with my mom's famous.

Peanut Butter Fudge

2 tablespoons peanut butter
2 cups (1 lb.) sugar or brown sugar
1 cup (1/2 pt.) milk
1 cup (1/4 lb.) chopped nuts
1 pinch salt
1 teaspoon vanilla extract

Boil sugar, and milk until it forms soft ball when tried in cold water, or reaches 240° F. on candy thermometer, remove from fire and stir in vanilla, peanut butter and nuts beat until creamy. Pour into greased pan and cut into squares before it becomes hard.
Christmas Myspace Divider

After we eat, gifts are opened, and we visit awhile. But not to long because we have a long drive home and we need to get our sleep. The next morning we will be up bright and early to go to my daughters House before my grandson wakes up so we can be there to watch the look on his face as he comes down to see what Santa Brought.

I know he is going to be excited no matter what he gets. I hope each of you visiting here today have a Christmas filled with love and joy.
Thank you for stopping by. I leave you with this:

Christmas Myspace Divider

Just click the play button and enjoy Christmas in Williamsburg Virginia

Christmas Myspace Divider

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Blogger Barely Domestic Mama said...

I see you have a Snowman love like I do. :) One of my two kitties has taken out his extra energy on my snowman sad. I'll have to replace it.

Thanks for sharing your Christmas traditions.

I stopped by from the Christmas in Bloggyland Tour.

December 15, 2008 at 8:33 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I love your tree!

December 15, 2008 at 9:01 AM  
Blogger Nan said...

Thanks for sharing! Love the slide show.

Stopped by from the Bloggyland Tour.

Merry Christmas!

December 15, 2008 at 9:13 AM  
Blogger petra michelle; Whose role is it anyway? said...

Such a warm and heartfelt post! Can relate to your favorite ornament. My parents are European immigrants and had quite the collection when I was young. I think just several have survived. They bring back wonderful memories!
And your kitty, as most, have cattitude, don't ya know! Thank you for your bloggyland Christmas tour! Have a blessed and happy Christmas! Petra :))

December 15, 2008 at 9:50 AM  
Blogger Em said...

Love jogging Santa! :)

December 15, 2008 at 9:59 AM  
Blogger MuseSwings said...

oooh, fondue and fucge - just perfect after the sleighride over to your Christmassy home! Your kitty doesn't just think she's the queen - she IS the queen! Thank you for joining us on this fun day!

December 15, 2008 at 2:01 PM  
Blogger Linda said...

Looks like you have some lovely Christmas decorations and I love the one that you've kept from when you were a child. I can see why it holds a special place in your heart.

It also sounds like you have some lovely Christmas traditions including the fondue and fudge! I'm sure you Dad is there in spirit with you and loving every single minute of it!

December 15, 2008 at 3:00 PM  
Blogger Tara Bennett said...

My mom would DIE over your snowman collection. She too collects!

Merry Christmas!

December 15, 2008 at 4:00 PM  
Blogger Margaret Ann said...

What fun decorations...and two trees! Thanks so much for the fudge...Merry Christmas from Arizona! :)

December 15, 2008 at 6:16 PM  
Blogger WhisperWood Cottage said...


What a lovely post! I love the photo of your dad. Christmas memories are special! Thanks for visiting my blog and leaving a kind comment. I do hope you'll come back!


December 15, 2008 at 6:29 PM  
Blogger Aimee said...

I enjoyed the video & I LOVE that Christmas ornament!! thanks for sharing!

December 15, 2008 at 6:43 PM  
Blogger Lady of the Mote said...

Love your Christmas traditions,
your decorations are lovely,
Thanks for stopping bye,
nice to meet you.

December 15, 2008 at 7:09 PM  
Blogger Cedar ... said...

And now I've followed the path back to your blog from mine! I liked the pic of your father playing guitar,.. the G-chord! I see you like bluegrass,...if you check some summer posts of mine you will see that I spend a lot of time at festivals. I like your blog background,.. I haven't had time to fuss with mine, yours looks great! I'll see you again soon!

December 15, 2008 at 8:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah-my cat is all about knocking stuff off too!
Merry Christmas in Bloggyland!

December 15, 2008 at 8:16 PM  
Blogger Bonnie (BornInaZoo) said...

Here via the Bloggyland Tour ... bookmarking because I need those recipes!

December 15, 2008 at 8:46 PM  
Blogger Alex and Alicia said...

Oh, I absolutely loved all of your Christmas decorations. And how sweet is your cat?! Funny how animals think they rule the roost. :) I am also so looking forward to trying your recipe for peanut butter fudge - my favorite! :)

Thanks for the lovely tour.

Stop by and see us again sometime! :)

Merry Christmas.

December 15, 2008 at 9:11 PM  
Blogger Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Delightful post, thank you for the recipes, YUMMERS! I loved your beautiful ornament and acknowledge the loss of your Dad.
Thank you for the visit to my blog also, Many Blessings to you this season.
Hmm, I see you like the paranormal, I need to post my ghost story soon.

December 15, 2008 at 9:24 PM  
Blogger Jane In The Jungle said...

What a fabulous tour!!! Great job and I'll track you down for those snowmen girl!! Thanks for stopping by my "Tour"!

December 15, 2008 at 9:57 PM  
Blogger Shelley said...

Wonderful tour, yummy fondue and cute snowmen!

December 17, 2008 at 9:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very cool tour! And I love the fondue idea. We usually have appetizers for dinner and I also make peanut butter chocolate fudge. Yum! :)

December 17, 2008 at 12:45 PM  

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