Money doesn't grow on trees
I seriously need a money tree. My hubby and I both got our first pay checks from the new jobs this week. (YEAH!!) Unfortunately it was gone before I got my purse zipped back up from cashing the check. Several weeks ago my car failed state inspection. I needed tires. Thankfully the ex offered to pay for them and let us pay him back. I was really grateful and took him up on the loan.
This morning I handed him all my cash. Oh well easy come easy go. At lest I have tires. I know I needed them, but I really would rather have the money tree.
I don't understand why I can't just plant one in the yard. I mean we can plant apples, and oranges, and peaches and pears, and just about any other type of tree you can think of, why not a money tree. Wouldn't it be great. Just think, you could step outside the door and pick off twenty dollar bills any time you needed some cash. Trees with hundred dollars bills would be my choice.
Oh well, it was a nice thought.
I was off today and my hubby and I spent some over due time alone. We took a drive and ended up once again at the local SPCA. I am really in a I WANT A CAT mood. I miss my babies I gave away. I have always had a cat. My husband tried to pacify me with flowers. I love the flowers, but I want a cat. My daughter says no cat until I move. I am still pouting. Then my hubby reminded me that I have two cats at home. At first I didn't know what he was talking about. Then I remembered.

Somehow it just isn't the same, sigh. Oh well at lest these two don't need to have a litter box, and they did seem to like the flowers. I suppose they will just have to do until I can get a real one. Maybe tomorrow I will go to the local greenhouse. I am sure there must be a money tree somewhere.
This morning I handed him all my cash. Oh well easy come easy go. At lest I have tires. I know I needed them, but I really would rather have the money tree.
I don't understand why I can't just plant one in the yard. I mean we can plant apples, and oranges, and peaches and pears, and just about any other type of tree you can think of, why not a money tree. Wouldn't it be great. Just think, you could step outside the door and pick off twenty dollar bills any time you needed some cash. Trees with hundred dollars bills would be my choice.
Oh well, it was a nice thought.
I was off today and my hubby and I spent some over due time alone. We took a drive and ended up once again at the local SPCA. I am really in a I WANT A CAT mood. I miss my babies I gave away. I have always had a cat. My husband tried to pacify me with flowers. I love the flowers, but I want a cat. My daughter says no cat until I move. I am still pouting. Then my hubby reminded me that I have two cats at home. At first I didn't know what he was talking about. Then I remembered.

Somehow it just isn't the same, sigh. Oh well at lest these two don't need to have a litter box, and they did seem to like the flowers. I suppose they will just have to do until I can get a real one. Maybe tomorrow I will go to the local greenhouse. I am sure there must be a money tree somewhere.
It would be hard for me to live without a cat; that visit to the SPCA would have been deadly. Hope you can get settled into your own space soon!
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