Where are the trees?
I came home for lunch today only to find the entrance to the parking lot blocked off by huge tree branches. It seems the complex owners have hired someone to come in and trim the trees. Now I don't mind trimming. It is the cutting down that bothers me. These are huge trees. They have thinned them down so much that I worry what will become of the birds and squirrels. I love feeding the wildlife, and just this morning I had an early visitor. When I opened my blinds there on the patio was a squirrel. When he saw me he jumped onto the screen of the patio door as if to say. Hey where is my breakfast. I use to feed to squirels at my old apartment and was so happy to see some here. I just hope he stays around. Darn tree cutters!!
Labels: Random Thoughts
I'm sorry for not commenting but I did read all your post and I wish you many happy days in your new home.
that is so sad .... we are squirrel feeders too!!!
Sounds to me like the former tenant was a squirrel feeder. We at "The Gods Are Bored" suggest fig newtons covered in peanut butter for the better set of squirrel.
Aaawww, hope the squirrels and birds will still have somewhere safe to go.
We don't have squirrels, here, but I remember them from when I visited Germany as a kid ... they are soooo cute.
We have possums, which are kinda cute, but also kinda pesky !!
Take care, Meow
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