Playing catch up
I am finally feeling human again after having that really bad stomach bug last week. Now I should be getting my house work caught up and some laundry done. Instead of staying home and doing that this weekend I went out and played. Yesterday was a bit on the rainy side so my daughter and I took advantage of it and went shopping. We started our day off at the Williamsburg Pottery Factory. It really isn't a pottery factory any more but more of a discount store. They have a range of different things there, but mostly artificial flowers, baskets, and kitchen ware. I bought a wooden bowl which I really didn't need and have no use for other than I may put some potpourri in it. I also got a candle which I am disappointed in as it doesn't really have a smell once lit. My daughter found some really nice fake flowers and a natural wooden branch to put in a floor vase she has. We mostly looked around and enjoyed a few hours. The next stop was an antique store close by and I almost bought a strand of beads they had on display. They were not old and they wanted $18.00 for them. I really didn't need them and have more jewlery now that I can possibly wear so I passed them by but now they are calling to me. I may go back tomorrow and get them. After we left there we stopped at the Williamsburg outlet mall where we went shoe shopping for both my daughter and my grandson a pair sneakers. From there we started hitting the thrift stores between Williamsburg and home. I only spent a few dollars and managed to find my grandson a movie and a book. For myself I bought a plant stand (don't ask me why I got this I don't have any plants right now, but I am one of those I will use it later people) and also found a stuffed chicken. Now you may or may not know I LOVE chickens. I don't buy them as often as I use to because to be honest. I am out of room to display them, but this beauty caught my eye for $1.95 so she now proudly lives on top of my food pantry.

Today we went out to visit my mom in VA, Beach and on the way home stopped at the local Barnes and Nobel bookstore. For some time now I have been wanting to buy

Beth Brown's Book. I saw it several months ago and look at it every time I go to the book store. I kept holding off getting it becaue I knew Beth was doing some local meet and greet seasons around the area. I kept thinking I would get a chance to buy the book at one of them and have her autograph it, but it seems it isn't going to happen any time soon and I really wanted to read the book.
I am glad I got it and so far have read the first two chapters. I am already thinking hmmmm I need to visit these places. You know me and my ghost hunting.
Speaking of. I got the stuff transferred from wordpress over here and you can now find most of my paranormal post under the heading paranormal or ghost in the side bar. I did loose a lot but probably won't do any rewriting right now on those post. I am just going to move forward and post what ever the muse supplies me with.
Oh also I wanted to let everyone know that my brother in law finally got to come home from the hospital. He is still ill but doing well enough to be released. Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the infection will continue to clear up and he can get on a good diet to prevent another flare up.
Today we went out to visit my mom in VA, Beach and on the way home stopped at the local Barnes and Nobel bookstore. For some time now I have been wanting to buy

Beth Brown's Book. I saw it several months ago and look at it every time I go to the book store. I kept holding off getting it becaue I knew Beth was doing some local meet and greet seasons around the area. I kept thinking I would get a chance to buy the book at one of them and have her autograph it, but it seems it isn't going to happen any time soon and I really wanted to read the book.
I am glad I got it and so far have read the first two chapters. I am already thinking hmmmm I need to visit these places. You know me and my ghost hunting.
Speaking of. I got the stuff transferred from wordpress over here and you can now find most of my paranormal post under the heading paranormal or ghost in the side bar. I did loose a lot but probably won't do any rewriting right now on those post. I am just going to move forward and post what ever the muse supplies me with.
Oh also I wanted to let everyone know that my brother in law finally got to come home from the hospital. He is still ill but doing well enough to be released. Thank you for keeping him in your thoughts and prayers. Hopefully the infection will continue to clear up and he can get on a good diet to prevent another flare up.
Labels: Chit Chat, Family Life
I just love that chicken, it's delightful!! The price was right too! lol Good for you for buying that book, it certainly does look interesting. Like you, I would be wanting to go visit all those places mentioned in it. There are a couple of books I'd like to is called Haunted Ontario and the other is Ontario Ghost Towns & Abandoned Places...should put it on my Christmas list:-) So glad to hear that your BIL is now out of the hospital, may he continue to get better. xoxo
my gf collects chickens ( she is almost out of room too) and I cant pass up a chcicken without thinking of her!! lol. Your little chicky is a cutie! I love a leisurely day of shopping!!!
I love roosters and have a few of them. Not many but enough so that with my other things my kitchen has a French flavor.
Hey, we all buy things that we may have no need for but speak to us!
First of all, it's wonderful that your brothe-in-law is back home! It's always a good sing! May he recover asap! And kudos to getting back some of your paranormal posts too! :o)
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