Saturday, September 2, 2006

And the power company said...LET THERE BE LIGHT!!

Yippie!! After 36 hours of no electricity we finally got power back. It's been a long two days. Just minutes after my last post early yesterday morning the lights went off for good (about 9 am). Around 1 the phone went too. That left me pretty much watching it rain, and twiddling my thumbs. My daughter and grandson had come down early to spend the day with me, and my daughter got some well deserved sleep while the baby and I played. I am not sure who was more interested in the rain..My cats or my grandson..Both kept going to the door to look out..My grandson wanted to go out and see the rain and of course I had to spoil him and let him have his way..Here he is playing on the patio.

Once the rain was over my daughter and I ventured out to see what if there was much damage. We only found a few broken branches, in the yard,

but the parking lot was a different story, We found our parking lot had become a lake

It was so deep that even the tow truck bringing in a neighbors car hit high water

The storm drain had become clogged and trapped the rain. One of the neighbors had a shovel and wadded out into the middle and cleaned it out. With in an hour it was down.

With supper time fastly approaching and no signs of getting the lights back on we ventured out of the neighborhood in search of FOOD...Everyone else seemed to have the same idea and traffic was crazy. We finally settled for Chinese at a restaurant I had wanted to try for awhile. We were disappointed and ate very little. With it still a few hours before dark we thought it might be smart to try and find a flashlight and/or some lamp oil. Again everyone else had the same idea and none were to be found. My daughter had to go to work later in the evening and thankfully I own about a million candles and they made a lovely and romantic night.

My husband and I had a nice evening alone. We actually did something we don't do often enough...we talked..Yep, talked. Not just the chitty chatty talk that passes between couples everyday. But we sat down face to face and had a real conversation. We talked about life and how we met and how we loved each other and soul-mates and did we think we were and how it must have been fate that brought us together. I think it is the most we have talked in a long time.

Morning brought the sun and still no electricty but I had to work. It was on there, blah..I work less than a mile away, but they are on a different circuit. We were pretty busy today and almost everyone who came in was in the same situation we were. No lights, no phone and tired of being in the house. This evening when I got off we made plans with my daughter and her boyfriend to go to the park and cook out. Just as we got everything ready for the car the electric came on..Yippie...Lights!! We can pee now without a candle *giggle*

The park was a pretty big mess, lots of leaves and little branches down every where. Several people were eatting and we stayed only long enough to cook some burgers and hotdogs.

My husband did manage to get one shot of the lake before dark, and you can tell the water level is high.

Anyway it looks like things are slowly getting back to normal, and I am going to try now to catch up on my blog reading..

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