Hello blog friends. For those of you who follow my paranormal blog or know me from facebook you already know that my weekend in Gettysburg turned into quit a nightmare. What was suppose to be an over night trip turned into four days and emergency surgery for my husband. Several months ago he found out that he had a gallstone but had not had any more problems with it.
That is until the middle of the night Saturday/Sunday while we were camping in a tent on an air mattress in the campground in Gettysburg PA.
(Putting up the tent)
About three a.m. my husband woke up with horrible pains and vomitting. We knew right away what was wrong and hurried into the ER where they found that his gallbladder had reached a stage so bad that it had to come out. By noon they had called in the surgeoun and his team and by one he was out and in a room.
I must tell you that if you ever get sick and have to have emergency suregery Gettysburg is the town to do it in. They were so wonderful to us. It is a small town, small hosptial and everyone went out of there way to make sure he was given the best care.
I had to find a place to stay of course and did not want to stay alone in the tent, so the campground offered me a night in a cabin for free on Sunday night. My husband got out of the hospital late Monday and we found a motel for that night. As it turns out the motel had a reputation for being haunted, and although we did not have an experience it was a lot of fun being there. You can read more about it and our day before the ER at my paranormal blog. Just click on the sidebar to take you there.
The funny part of the entire thing was we had taken a self guided tour during the day of 35 sites that were used as field hospitals. We never expected to tour number 36 ha ha..
I an going to post some photos in the next post of the places we went
Also I am happy to report that my husband is feeling better and we are home and he will be returning to work on Monday..
Labels: Family Life