Thursday, February 28, 2008

Sky Watch Friday 2/29/08

This is my first week posting on Sky Watch Friday
so I hope you enjoy my photo. This is the shore along the James River as you travel from Newport News to Jamestown VA

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Wednesday, February 27, 2008

ABC Wednesday-F

Join us at ABC Wednesday to post your own photos or to view more like these.

This week we are using the letter F
It is always FUN to do these post so I started with a FUNNY photo of a FISH. That guy with the smiling face is my Hubby and the photo was taken at the Virginia Aquarium in Virginia Beach.

This FOUNTAIN makes a great F photo and can be found at our local Brass Pro Shop

Just be careful if you get to close to the water. One of these FROGS might jump out at you!

Well, that is it..I hope you enjoyed all my F photos..See you next week.


Monday, February 25, 2008


I am re posting this photo(be sure and click on it to enlarge so you can see it better) because I need another opinion. Remember when I asked if anyone else could see the lady and several of you did? Well, I want you to take a closer look..Can you see the man in front of her bent on one knee? Do you think he proposed to her in that spot and that is why they have reappeared there?
Maybe I have a really overly active imagination, but I swear I didn't notice him until the other day. I saw her clearly, and the more I looked at it trying to find an explaination (other than my imagination) I suddendly realized he was there..
So do you see him?

Here is the same photo with a red arrow pointing to what I think looks like the back of a mans shoulders I posted this as a visual aide..Let me know what you think

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Fever Dolls

Fever Dolls
European Folk Magic

© Elizabeth Yetter

In European folk magic dolls were used for many purposes. For
instance, dolls were used to represent a goddess, such as Bride,
during seasonal observances.

Dolls were also used in love magic to bring two people together and
for protection to bind people from doing harm. Less known are the
dolls that were used for healing.

Fever dolls act as scapegoats. They were made out of whatever material
was on hand, and kept overnight under the pillow of a feverish child.
In the morning, the fever doll was removed from the home and given a
mock burial. By doing this, the fever, which moved into the doll
overnight, would also be buried with the doll.

Making a Fever Doll

Items Needed

2"x2" piece of cardboard

White embroidery thread

Fever dolls can be made in the same way that yarn dolls are made. Wrap
the white embroidery thread around the cardboard about 20 times. Slip
the wound thread off the cardboard, cut a piece of thread that is 4"
long, and tie the wound thread. This bend will be where you form the
head of the doll. Next, cut the wound thread opposite of the head so
that you have strands instead of loops.

To form the doll, tie another thread around the neck area to form the
head. Separate equal strands of yarn, about 9 strands, on each side of
the body for the arms. Tie string around the wrist area of each arm.
If the doll is to represent a girl, you are now finished making the
doll. However, for a boy doll you will need to tie a strand of thread
around the doll's waist. Separate the remaining strands equally for
the legs and tie thread around the ankles.

These little fever dolls can be made beforehand and kept safely in a
drawer or in a box on your altar.
Using a Fever Doll

To use a fever doll, light a white votive candle and, standing before
the candle, hold the fever doll in the palm of your power hand. Say to
the doll:

* Burning fire,
* Burning fever,
* Take the heat within you.

Place the fever doll under the sick child's pillow. If you are doing
this for an infant or toddler, place the fever doll under the mattress
or someplace near the crib where the little one cannot reach it.
Return to the candle. Say:

* The flame burns down,
* The fever leaves [name of child].

Allow the candle to burn down and out.

The next day, remove the fever doll from under the child's pillow.
Take it outdoors and bury it. You can make this ritual a simple act of
digging a small hole and burying the doll within it, or you can wrap
the doll in a shroud and bury it with a blessing and a copper penny.

Knotted Cloth

Another piece of folk magic regarding the cure of fevers uses a
knotted cloth. A white cloth, or washcloth was knotted three times,
one knot was made in the upper half of the cloth for the head and two
corners were knotted for hands. What remained was the flowing gown
part that represented the body.

This knotted cloth was then rubbed over the feverish forehead to
absorb the fever. It was then placed in running water, such as under a
faucet, to cool the fever and wash it away.

Medicine and Folk Magic

The fever doll and knotted cloth are in no way meant to replace
medicine and the expert advice of a doctor. Instead, like meditation
and creative visualization, folk magic is meant to compliment modern
medicine. After all, we want to help our loved ones in every way that
we can.


Friday, February 22, 2008

cough cough

Ohhhh I have the crud...that coughing sneezing yucky feeling..It's not the flu, but I can't seem to shake this cough. I've had it three days now, and at my age...well, lets just put it this way. When I cough I tinkle. So it is a good thing I got these today!!

(They are the same color. It is just bad lighting).
I haven't had my own washer and dryer for two years now, so I was so happy to hear that our apartment complex is renting them now.
It sure will be nicer than going to the laundry mat

I washed my first load of clothes tonight only to find that the machine is not working properly. It washes fine, but won't rinse and spin. I now have my clothes sitting in the tub of water with no way to get them to spin. It's 8 at night, and I have got to put them in a trash bag and go to the laundry mat. I am so mad. I wouldn't care, but it is my work clothes which I have to have tomorrow. Grumble, fuss, growl! Now I have the crud and wet clothes

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Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Beam Me Up

This was an interesting article. What do you think of life on other planets? Do you think Little Green Men walk among us?

Walk-ins are people from other dimensions who have walked in to the body of
a person here on earth. In all cases there is a contract made before the
host, the original soul, is born for this to occur.

Walk-ins use this method to enter the earth plane when their mission
requires that begin soon after they arrive. Their mission necessitates they
skip the birth and adolescent stage and come into an adult body. This is
not always the case. Some walk-ins come into much younger bodies, but this
is more the exception than the rule. When a child walk-in occurs, it is
because the soul coming in needs the experiences of childhood and
adolescence as a foundation for their mission. Childhood and adolescent
walk-ins usually don’t awaken until they reach adulthood.

Indications of a walk-in are:

1. Usually occur during a traumatic event in the host soul’s life such as a
severe illness or a car accident. Many come in during a near death
experience. This is the most common way for walk-ins to exchange places,
but it is not the only way. Yet, most all cases the walk-in occurs when the
host is unconscious.

2. They all of a sudden, have little or no connection with some family

3. Divorce occurs usually within 3 years after the walk-in has arrived.

4. Ongoing physical pain in the neck and shoulders that wasn’t there before
the walk-in.

5. Loss of coordination and memory lapses. Trouble with speech.

6. Sudden change in tastes such as food, clothing and decor.

7. Sudden loss of interest in career and hobbies. New ones are found along
with a sudden interest in all things spiritual.

8. Strong knowing that they have a mission to accomplish though they may not
remember what it is at the present time.

9. Some walk-ins have memories of their home world or ship. They even have
memory of their incarnate forms being sustained through a form of cryogenics
(spelling?) that is far superior to ours.

10. Walk-ins usually carry the Crystal Gene.

Walk-ins have a more challenging role on earth because they have spent most
of their incarnation on another plane of existence and then come to earth in
the middle to later part of that incarnation.

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ABC Wednesday-Letter E

It is time to post my photos for ABC Wednesday and the letter for this week is E.

This was taken last EASTER and shows my grandson dying EGGS

E is also for ELEPHANTS foot, and this planter is made from a real one. My daughter found it at a thrift store last summer.

E is also for EAGLE and these beautiful ones can be found at the Virginia Living Museum In Newport News VA

Did you know:
The Eagle is considered to be a messenger to God. It was given the honor of carrying the prayers of man between the World of Earth and the World of Spirit, where the Creator and grandfathers reside. To wear or hold an Eagle feather causes the Creator to take immediate notice. With the Eagle feather, the Creator is honored in the highest way.The wings of an Eagle represent the balance needed between male and female, each one dependent upon the strengths and abilities of the other.

Well that is all I have this week.
To find more great photos for the letter E visit Mrs Nesbitts which is the home of ABC Wednesday

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Monday, February 18, 2008

Checking in

After going back to the hospital twice since she got her stint in My mom seems to finally on the road to recovery. I spent the day with her Saturday helping her get groceries etc. Sunday was spent with my daughter who has a nasty cold/flu. I watched my grandson, made some supper and gave her meds. All in all it was a wasted weekend. My husband and I were both off today so we went to the movies. We watched National Treasure Book of Secrets
It was fast paced and if you liked the first one this is a must see.

The hole you see in this photo is my bathroom ceiling just above the shower head. It fell in on Saturday night. It seems the neighbors above us have a crack in the tub drain, Guess who got all the water from it. Maintenance had to be called about midnight that night and they did a quick fix with a trash bag and duct tape. I have no idea when they will be back to fix things. It seems like there is never a dull moment around here.

On the bright side I have managed to get a little crocheting done. Here is the beginning of an afghan

I wasn't really standing on my head when I took the photo even though it does look upside down. It is just the angle I was standing at, at the end of the table. I wanted to show the length and how the pattern is starting to develop.
Anyway that is about all that is happening here. (Thankfully)

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Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentines

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Bag of Yarn

I've been kicking around the idea of starting an afghan for awhile now. I haven't done any crocheting in years because to be honest I am not organized enough to sit still long enough to finish one. I get a few rows done and then something comes up and I put it away. I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I have stuck away yarn over the years thinking I will get back to it "later". Well, as you can imagine later never arrives so I have ended up odd balls of yarn. I knew this bag was in my storage so I dug it out this morning. I plan on starting a ripple afghan and just mix up the colors. I will try and post photos as it progresses. I figure the worst that can happen is it becomes a blanket for the dog. Wish me luck

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ABC Wednesday

D is for DEER

These pretty ones can be found at the Virginia Safari Park at Natural Bridge Virginia.
D is also for DRIVE

which is what you do through the Safari area where the animals run loose. Since everyone liked my fake camel last week, I thought I would throw in a bonus photo for this week of a real one. I forgot I had taken it until I started looking at the folder for the deer. This big guy can be found at the park too.
For more great photos visit the home of ABC Wednesday


Monday, February 11, 2008

Quick Update

My mom had test run today and nothing showed up so the DR. sent her home. She is spending a few nights with my sister and I will go see her later in the week. Thanks everyone for keeping her on your prayer/healing list. Please think of her as she continues to heal.


Sunday, February 10, 2008

In and out

Just a quick update on my mom. It turns out that she had a light heart attack and they found out she had a 99% blockage in her main artery. They were able to open it with a balloon and put in a stint. Everything went well and she went home for two days. Just when we thought she was on the road to recovery, she got sick again today. She had pains in her arm and leg and then in her chest. She is back in the hospital where they are again running more test. We don't know much at this point. They think she might have had a mini stoke, so they ran a MRI of her brain and it showed she has had at lest three mini stokes in the past, but couldn't confirm if she has had a new one. They are going to run more test tomorrow to rule out the possibility that the stint has shifted. I am home tonight but don't know what each day will bring so please continue to remember our family in your thoughts and prayers. I will update this blog as I know more



Wednesday, February 6, 2008

C is for Camel (ABC Wednesday)

ABC Wednesday is here again. Today we are doing a photo from the Letter C.
If you read my previous post for Wordless Wednesday you will see a statue at the same store that this Camel was at. Can you imagine having this big guy in your living room!


Wordless Wednesday

I took this photo for this weeks Wordless Wednesday last summer while in Virginia Beach. The store was going out of business. (Sorry the name escapes me) and they had this guy out in the parking lot to attract attention. Something tells me if you bought this for your house you would get plenty of attention from your friends. What a great conversation piece!


Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Update on mom

Just a quick update on my mom. They ran a MRI on her heart today to check for blood clots. Everything was fine there. They also ran a stress test and the results on that will be in tomorrow. If it shows blockage then they will do more test and/or surgery. If it is ok then they will send her home. Thanks for all the good thoughts and prayers from everyone. Please continue to remember her in the next few days.


Monday, February 4, 2008

Prayers and good thoughts needed

Just a note to ask everyone to please remember my mom. she had a heart attack over the weekend and was admitted to the hospital today. They will be running some test tomorrow. For now she is resting comfortably and seems to be doing good, but we won't know how serious it was for a few days. More than likely there is some blockage which probably means surgery. I will let you know more as I do..

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Sunday, February 3, 2008

Sunday Ramblings


Ok tell me I am crazy, but do you see the ghost in the forest?
Here is a close up view.


Like I said maybe I am crazy, but I see a ghostly outline of a lady in a long dress facing sideways with her arm on her hip.
Just so you know...I took this photo today right after my grandson told me he saw a lady in the woods. He told me this about three minutes after we stopped here today.

The woods were behind us as I took the photo of the graves. We were not talking about ghost. We were simply looking around. Just out of no-where my grandson pointed to the woods and told us he wanted to go in there. My daughter asked him if someone was in there..Yes he answered, Who we asked. A lady he replied. Where did she come from we asked..He pointed to the sky. I ask him if it was a ghost. Yes, he said. Needless to say we left. This is not the first time we have been near graveyards to have my grandson suddenly started talking about seeing people that we can't see. I have to admit even with my belief in the paranormal I find it a bit un-nerving. When we got home and I loaded my photos from today the image of the woman was the first thing I saw in the photo. I quietly sat my grandson on my lap and asked him where he saw the lady in the woods at. He pointed right to the same area of the photo that I was seeing the "ghost" in. Shit I thought, so I asked him, Cody what was the lady wearing. Did she have on a dress or pants. A dress he said..hmmm I thought, what color was her dress. Blue he said..Ohh ok I said..Well was the dress up here (pointing to my mid thighs) or was it down here (pointing to my shoes). Down here he said touching the ground..
Ok, now I ask you again. Am I nuts? Or do you see a ghost in my photo?

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About five years ago I took a Practical Magic Class with a local teacher. Although it took me the traditional year and a day to complete it it did not initiate
me to any type of degree as far as Wicca or Witchcraft is concerned. I had always intended to go back to my teacher and take some private classes to progress in my learning, but time got away from me, my grandson was born, I moved and I went back to work full time. Whew...Anyway there were just not enough hours in the day. I knew my interest was only on hold so I signed up a couple of years ago at Witch School. I have heard some good and bad about the online school, but I have always felt like I learn from them, so I keep renewing my membership. This year when it is time to renew I plan on paying the lifetime membership. There is a lot of classes I want to take but just can't seem to find the time. However I do hold a 1st degree in Correllian Wicca having completed it last August. I started my lessons in 2nd degree last night (Imbolc). Since that is the first Sabbath of the Wiccan year, I felt it was a good time to begin. It will take me approximately a year to complete this class. Once the lessons are read you have to wait 30 days to take the test. There are twelve lessons, so if you stay focused that is one a month for the full year. It seems like I have been studying for a long time to be a solitary (meaning I do not belong to a Coven).
Anyway this next year should be fun and challenging. I will let you know how it goes.

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Saturday, February 2, 2008

Imbolc Blessings/Happy Groundhog Day

I am posting this a bit early because I have to work tomorrow but I wanted to say.
Happy Imbolc to all my friends who celebrate it and Happy Groundhog day to those who don't. Just think, spring is just a few months away. Soon we will start to see little green shoots of life everywhere. I found this ritual at
and thought it sounded fun no matter what your beliefs are. Everyone is ready to be rid of the cold winter days. (If you don't have snow in your area and you still want to do this buy a five pound bag of ice use a blender to shave it into snow-cone size pieces and place in bowl outside. You can use it in place of the real snow..Have fun and enjoy your day.

How To Hold a Farewell to Winter Ritual
From Patti Wigington,

Imbolc is typically around the time when we're all getting cabin fever -- it's cold, we're snowed in, and frankly, we're all a bit tired of winter. This simple ritual is a fun one to do with your family on a snowy day, but can also be performed by a single person. The best time to do it is when you have a fresh layer of snow on the ground, but if that's not possible, never fear. Find a big pile of snow to work in.

Try to time the rite so you begin it just before dinner -- you can actually start it while your meal is cooking.

Difficulty: Average
Time Required: Varied
Here's How:
Prepare a collection of things to make noise with -- bells, clappers, drums, etc. Make sure each person has one form of noisemaker. You'll also need a candle in the color of your choice (tall enough to stick in the snow), something to light it with (like a lighter or matches), and a bowl.

Go outside, and create a symbol of spring in the snow. You could draw a picture of the sun or some flowers, rabbits, anything that means spring to your family. If you have a lot of space, feel free to make it as big as you like. Another option is to have each person make their own symbol in the snow.

One family member calls out:

Old man winter, it's time to go!
Take with you these piles of snow!

The other family members stomp around the symbol in a circle through the snow, banging their drums, ringing their bells, and chanting:

Melt, snow, melt!
Spring will soon return!

Light the candle, and place it in the center of the circle. Say:

A flame, a fire, all the warmth it brings,
melt the snow, cold be gone, welcome back the spring!

The rest of the family stomps through the snow once more, in a circle, making lots of noise and chanting:

Melt, snow, melt!
Spring will soon return!

Leave the candle to burn out on its own. Fill your bowl with snow and take it back inside with you. Place it in the center of your table and eat your meal. By the time you're done, the snow should be close to melted (if you have to, put it near the stove to hurry things along).

Hold up the bowl, and say:

The snow has melted! Spring will return!

Make lots of noise with your bells and drums, clapping and whooping it up. Use the melted snow water to water a plant, or save it for ritual use later on.


Friday, February 1, 2008


Brigid, gold-red woman,
Brigid, flame and honeycomb,
Brigid, sun of womanhood,
Brigid, lead me home.

You are a branch in blossom.
You are a sheltering dome.
You are my bright precious freedom.
Brigid, lead me home.
~Irish Prayer To The Goddess

Celtic Ireland celebrated the power of fire in the depths of winter. This may seem a contradictory idea, but in fact we most crave what we miss most. We do not crave air unless we are drowning; we do not crave water when we are not thirsty. Our need for the warmth the fire goddess Bigid brings is strongest when the sun is wan and weak, when the nights seem long and the days all too short.

Within ourselves, too, we strive for balance. When we find ourselves isolated, we seek company; when we have been too much with others, we withdraw. Our inner compass is a sure one, one that can bring us to what we need. Learning to trust and to follow its movements is one of life's deepest lessons.
By Patricia Monaghan - From " The Goddess Companion" and GrannyMoon's Morning Feast


February 1st

February 1st is the feast day of St Brigid, who began her life as a pagan goddess and ended up a Christian saint. The great high goddess, Bride or Brigid, was a fire and fertility goddess, perhaps embodied in the stars in the constellation we view as Orion. In her temple at Kildare, her priestesses tended an eternal flame. She presided over all transformations: birth and brewing, metal-smithing and poetry, the passage from winter to spring.

In Celtic lore, she is the daughter of the Dagda, the Good God, who marries her to Bres of the Fomors. Her name may be derived from Gaelic breo aigit or fiery arrow or (the Matthews prefer) a Sanskrit derivation Brahti or high one. As Bride, the Queen of Heaven, she seems to have been a sun goddess. In one tale, St Brigid carries a burning coal in her apron. In another tale, flames engulf her body without burning her.

The legends about the goddess Brigid gradually became associated with the (somewhat spurious) Saint Brigid who founded the first convent in Ireland (where else?) at Kildare. Her emblem is a cow and many legends tell of how Brigid kept guests at her abbey supplied (often miraculously) with milk and butter. Her flower is the dandelion, whose yellow flower is the color of butter and whose stem when broken releases a milky sap. St Brigid supposedly helped at the birth of Jesus, thus she is the patron saint of midwives and pregnant women. She is also the patron of poets, scholars, healers, dairymaids and blacksmiths, recalling many of the arts under the protection of the goddess Bride.

On the eve of her feast day in Ireland, people put out a loaf of bread on the windowsill for the Saint and an ear of corn for her white cow, offerings for the grain goddess like the loaf buried in the first furrow. Wheat stalks are woven into X-shaped crosses to be hung from rafters as charms to protect homes from fire and lightning.

In Ireland, the birds known as oyster-catchers (in Gaelic they are called Gille righde, the servants of Bride) appear on St Brigid's day and are said to bring spring with them.

During the 19th century, Alexander Carmichael collected and compiled folk customs from the West Highlands, including many revolving around Bridget. On her holiday, women get together to make Brigid's crosses at night. They also dress the corn doll or last sheaf (from Lammas or autumn equinox) in a bridal gown and put her in a basket which is called the Bride's bed. A wand, candle or other phallic object is laid across her and the Bride is invited to come for her bed is ready. If the blankets are rumpled in the morning, this is seen as a good omen. Obviously the goddess whose mating brings life to the land is not the abbess of a convent but the great fertility goddess.

Blackburn, Bonnie and Leofranc Holford-Strevens, Oxford Companion to the Year, Oxford University Press 1999
Carmichael, Alexander, Carmina Gadelica, Llindisfarne Press
Kightly, Charles, The Perpetual Almanack of Folklore, Thames and Hudson 1987
Matthews, John & Caitlin, Encyclopedia of Celtic Wisdom, Element 2000


Imbolc Incense Recipe

(Photo from

Imbolc Incense Recipe

3 Parts Frankincense
2 parts Dragon's Blood
1/2 Part Red Sandalwood
1 Part Cinnamon
few drops red wine It is traditional to add to this mixture a pinch of the first flower (dry it first) that is available in your area at Imbolc. Mix well in your Mortar and dry before burning upon charcoal, in a fireproof container.



Imbolc is the Celtic holiday that marks the beginning of spring.

It is ruled by the goddess of spring, known as Brigit or Brigantia in Ireland, and Bride in Scotland. In Irish myth, the god of the earth Dagda, also known as the “good god,” had three daughters, who were all named Brigit. The first Brigit was the goddess of poetry, the second was the goddess of smithcraft, and the third was the goddess of fire and healing. All three are really aspects of one triple goddess who was associated with the Sun and with fire. On this day Brigit used her flame to rekindle the fire in the earth and assure that plants would have the heat that they need to break through the earth and begin to grow. In ancient times, a woman dressed as Brigit would bless the fires in the households and forges across Ireland. On this day, Brigit’s snake would come out of its mound, and the snake’s behavior would determine how long the remaining frost will last. This is the most likely origin of Groundhog Day. In Christian times, Brigit became a saint associated with
the Virgin Mary. Imbolc became the Christian Candlemas, the Feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is celebrated by lighting candles. A Brigit’s cross is a talisman made of woven reeds that form a cross with a woven square in the center and four equal arms extending out from the center. This design gives the cross a sense of rotation that evokes the wheel of the year. Brigit’s cross should be made or bought on this day and used to protect the home throughout the year. Also on this night one can leave a silk ribbon on the doorstep for Brigit to bless. Later it can be used for healing.
By: Robert Place


Besom Imbolc Rite

Besom Imbolc Rite
Place your besom at your altar during the Imolg season. Imbolg is a time of cleansing and purification, and what better time to enlist the aid of the Witches blessed besom? You will need: a besom, cauldron, white candle, rosemary, and bay. During ritual or devotions, place your besom within reach upon the altar. Place the candle in the cauldron. Light and say: With my besom in my hand I will sweep out that which is no longer needed so as to purify my surroundings and prepare for new growth. Pick up your besom and say: Clear out the old and let the new enter. Life starts anew at this time of cleansing. Sweep the circle with outward motions as you walk deosil (clockwise) around the circle, starting and ending at the North. Return the besom to the altar. Sprinkle the rosemary and the bay into the candle flame and say: I call upon the power of these herbs that their scent released in this cauldron's fire purify me, my surroundings,and the tools of my Craft. With this rite, I
am reaffirmed in my Craft and made ready for the renewal of life in the coming Spring. Pass the besom and any other magickal tools through the smoke from the burning herbs. Wave the end of the besom over your cauldron and say: May this besom be cleansed that nothing cast out of the circle return and cling to it. So mote it be!

From "Green Witchcraft" by Ann Moura


The Goddess Brighid

The Goddess Brighid
Like many Pagan holidays, Imbolc has a Celtic connection as well, although it wasn’t celebrated in non-Gaelic Celtic societies. The Irish goddess Brighid is the keeper of the sacred flame, the guardian of home and hearth. To honor her, purification and cleaning are a wonderful way to get ready for the coming of Spring. In addition to fire, she is a goddess connected to inspiration and creativity.

Brighid is known as one of the Celtic "triune" goddesses -- meaning that she is one and three simultaneously. The early Celts celebrated a purification festival by honoring Brighid, or Brid, whose name meant "bright one." In some parts of the Scottish Highlands, Brighid was viewed as Cailleach Bheur, a woman with mystical powers who was older than the land itself. Brighid was also a warlike figure, Brigantia, in the Brigantes tribe near Yorkshire, England. The Christian St. Brigid was the daughter of a Pictish slave who was baptised by St. Patrick, and founded a community of nuns at Kildare, Ireland.

In modern Wicca and Paganism, Brighid is viewed as the maiden aspect of the maiden/mother/crone cycle. She walks the earth on the eve of her day, and before going to bed each member of the household should leave a piece of clothing outside for Brighid to bless. Smoor your fire as the last thing you do that night, and rake the ashes smooth. When you get up in the morning, look for a mark on the ashes, a sign that Brighid has passed that way in the night or morning. The clothes are brought inside, and now have powers of healing and protection thanks to Brighid.
