Mother" I began, with my face hung down.
She answered back "Why the frown?"
"Why, may I ask did You make me this way?"
"What way is that? What are you trying to say?"
"My body, Mother, my face, it's too square,
They are the wrong color, my eyes and my hair.
My hips are too wide, my belly too round.
When I look at my feet, I can't see the ground.
My thighs are so thick, my feet, they stick out.
My fingers my toes They are as big as a trout.
My eyes are too close, they're in the wrong place.
I'm loud sometimes, and bossy to boot,
Sometimes I wish I was just born a mute."
The Goddess, She just chuckled, as if it was funny,
"Dear Child, you will learn, that's more than plenty.
Your hair and your eyes, those things don't matter.
It's the size of your heart, and not if you get fatter.
You have the gifts that I've given to you.
To cheer up! Your friends when they're feeling blue.
You make people laugh and forget all their sorrows.
Those are the things that make more tomorrows.
Your children and family, I put in your care.
Those are the reasons I put you there.
You're smart and you're witty, people love you.
Why can't you seem to love yourself too?"
I thought a minute not sure what to say,
Then into my mind popped events of the day.
"They laugh at me, you know, people who see me,
They think it's funny, but it hurts, can't they see?
I've tried everything, to be as they say,
Small and thin, in a petite way."
The Goddess she looked at me, with a curious grin.
She then said with a smirk, "Who said thin was in?
I made you perfect the way that you are.
Those magazines and models, they take it too far.
I made you bigger, because that's who you are.
There's nothing small about you my child.
You are too Grande to fit those things they call "in."
To say you are Grande is still putting it mild.
You have a big heart, so full of love.
You have deep emotions, no one can deny.
You do things largely, everything with pride,
Your thoughts, your ideas, even the tears you cry."
"I made you big.
That is a fact.
I made you like Me.
Don't forget that.
You are too special to try to define
And even harder to ever confine."
~Author Unknown
Labels: Random Thoughts, Spirituality