Wednesday, January 30, 2008

ABC Wednesday

Oh how embarrassing!
When I got home from work I realized I had posted the wrong photo to the ABC Wednesday post. I was in a hurry and grabbed the wrong one from my photo folder
This is the one that I was suppose to post..This is a BRIDGE...The other photo in fact is a PIER..oops, no wonder a few people who left comments were a bit confused. I was a bit confused too when I read the comments until I realized what I had done.

B is for BRIDGE

I love posting photos and I just found a new site that is doing a weekly theme. It is called ABC Wednesday and can be found by clicking the link. The idea is each week you post a photo starting with a letter. You will post every week.(Make sure you go to the site and put your site into Mr Linky so people can come visit you too)This week is is B (I missed A). I will also continue the Wordless Wednesday photos but may try and use one photo for both sites if I can. I will see what happens as the weeks go by.


Wordless Wednesday

Its time for Wordless Wednesday again


Tuesday, January 29, 2008

which one

Just for fun

You are The High Priestess

Science, Wisdom, Knowledge, Education.

The High Priestess is the card of knowledge, instinctual, supernatural, secret knowledge. She holds scrolls of arcane information that she might, or might not reveal to you. The moon crown on her head as well as the crescent by her foot indicates her willingness to illuminate what you otherwise might not see, reveal the secrets you need to know. The High Priestess is also associated with the moon however and can also indicate change or fluxuation, particularily when it comes to your moods.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.


Monday, January 28, 2008

Changing Again

Yes, I changed my background again. Yes, I know I just changed it a few days ago, but the more I looked at the colors the less I liked it. I like the dragonfly background but the foreground that I did the writting on and the font color were just not what I wanted. I think I will try this one a few days and see how it looks. Sorry, I hope I'm not driving everyone crazy.


Moon Magick

Moon Magick for 2008

If you want to harness the strongest energies for your magick, plan your rituals around the astrological signs that the New and Full Moons are in as they occur. Here are the Moons for 2008 along with suggestions for the best types of magick to do at each one:


1/8 3:37am in Capricorn
1/22 5:35am in Leo

Magick for
Finding a job, getting a promotion, making your work pay off
Fame and fortune, creativity and fun

2/05 7:44pm in Aquarius
2/20 7:30pm in Virgo

Magick for
Changes in your life, new attitudes/ideas, freedom
Health issues, learning, organization

3/07 9:14am in Pisces
3/21 11:40am in Libra

Magick for
Psychic development, artistic expression
Love, balance in your life, beauty, harmony

4/05 8:55pm in Aries
4/20 3:25am in Scorpio

Magick for
Vitality, new experiences personal power, motivation
Knowledge of past lives, letting go of negativity

5/05 5:18am in Taurus
5/19 7:11pm in Scorpio

Magick for
Sensual experiences, stability
Knowledge of past lives, letting go of negativity

This second Scorpio full moon in two months is a better moon forlove magic,

especially for those with partners

6/03 12:23pm in Gemini
6/18 10:30am in Sagittarius

Magick for
Communication, friendships
Exploration, travel

7/02 7:19pm in Cancer
7/18 0:59am in Capricorn

Magick for
Emotional growth, relationships, imagination
Finding a home, family relationships, marriage

8/01 3:13am in Leo
8/16 2:16pm in Aquarius

Magick for
Determination, good luck, confidence
New ideas and ways, self-expression, independence

8/30 12:58pm in Virgo

Magick for
Practicality, understanding

9/29 1:12am in Libra
9/15 2:13am in Pisces

Magick for
Ideals, balance
Internal change, dream work

10/28 4:14pm in Scorpio
10/14 1:02pm in Aries

Magick for
Sexuality, transformation
Drive, energy, courage

11/27 8:54am in Sagittarius
11/12 10:17pm in Taurus

Magick for
Adventure, enthusiasm, growth
Love, beauty, well-being

12/27 4:22am in Capricorn
12/12 8:37am in Gemini

Magick for
Finding a job, getting a promotion, making your work pay off
Intelligence, writing

(This information was posted in yahoo groups Turning of the wheel, and to the best of my knowledge can be reprinted)


Saturday, January 26, 2008

People say the darndest things

We have a chick fil a in our mall and I go there everyday for ice tea. Today as I was walking back to my store I happened to be walking next to a man who had a milkshake in his hand. Coming in the opposite direction was a "mall walker". You know "those people" who actually go to the mall just for the exercise. Just as she passed us she looks at the man and says..That has 800 calories in it...and she keeps walking. He looked at me, I looked at him, and I just thought what a weirdo oh. The man was taken back by her comment. I just kept walking but the more I thought about it the more I thought to myself that I was glad I wasn't the one with the milkshake. If I had been I think I would have probably turned around and chased her down. My comment back to her would have been this. "Look lady, when you pay for the milkshake and you put it into your body then you can worry about how many calories it has, until then mind your own damn business". Of course I didn't say it, because it wasn't my fight, but I thought What nerve she had. Do you think I am being over sensitive about a casual remark or do you think to many people try to mind other people's business now days?


Friday, January 25, 2008

The rest of the picture

Just for fun I thought I would post the rest of the photo from the shoes. This is my sister (who was wearing the shoes) on the day she graduated from Nursing School.
She just found out she passed the state boards. Yippie!. She is now searching for a job. Everyone open wide and say AHHH.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

I use to participate in Wordless Wednesday and somehow got out of the habit of posting a weekly photo. I have decided to play along again. If you would like to join in the fun, just click on the link.

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New Look

Morning Everyone. I hope you like the new look of the blog. I wanted something different and have been searching for awhile now for the perfect background. I just have one question. Do you like the white font color or should I change it to black? What is easier to read.


Monday, January 21, 2008


Spinning By The Light Of The Moon

The Spinners live primarily in Europe under dolmens, in caves, forests, fairy forts, coastal swells, hollow hills, and where there are megaliths. They appear human size or tiny, awesomely beautiful, ghostlike, with luminous pale skin and hair when
they spin at night from the distaff (point) of the moon. The Spinners carry distaffs, spindles, scissors, stones, yarn, and needles; reward hard workers; and punish the lazy. They spin faery tales and dreams, foretell the future, and help with childbirth.

For this spell, you will need three twelve-inch lengths of white yarn and three white stones. Choose three specific dreams that you would like to see come to
fruition in the next year. These need to be doable dreams, the ones you feel strongly about.
Take the first piece of yarn and wind it around the first white stone. As you do so,
envision your first dream and see it coming to fruition. Imagine the steps you will
take or events that will occur that lead to your dream coming true. As you wind
and imagine, chant:

Spinner Ladies, please bless my dreams.
And weave them into my reality.

After you finish winding, tie the last bit of yarn in a knot to keep it secured around the stone. Wind the other two pieces of yarn around their respective stones while envisioning their relating dream and repeating the chant.
When you are done tying up the three stones, say the following:

Spinner Ladies, weave the magic of the moon,
Into my dreams so they come true soon.
In the Ladies' names, so mote it be!

Spend a few minutes imagining your dreams coming true in the next year and how you will feel when they do. When you are done, thank the Spinners. Put the stones
in a drawer or somewhere safe until your dreams come true.

~from "Wiccan Spell A Night: Spells, Charms and Potions for the Whole Year" by
Sirona Knight


Sunday, January 20, 2008

Weekend in review

Well the snow turned out to be a dud. I'm really disappointed. Instead of getting the four inches we had expected we got about an inch and as you can see it barley covered the ground.

We did get a little on the roof tops and bushes had some snow on top

But the only one who really enjoyed playing in it was Lucy

Since there was no real snow to play in my daughter and I decided to spend the day together. We bundled up really good because It was cold enough this morning that a few of the buildings had icecicles

We went out for lunch and there was just enough snow on top of the car that I could didn't need to worry about my drink not staying cold.

After lunch we went to some of our favorite thrift stores. I found a couple of movies and a book along with a really cool find. Someone had given away a brand new deck of tarot cards.

I have not seen this deck before, but for $3.95 I was not going to leave it behind.
I have never been very good at reading cards, but I still enjoy fooling around with them. As you can see my daughters cat Phoenix, thinks he can read them. Almost as soon as I drew the cards and placed them down for the spread he came over and laid down on top of them.

Anyway I was glad to get a couple of good bargains, because later in the day we went by the mall where I found this.

I've had my eye on this for a couple of months now and have been waiting for the store I found it at to mark them down. Today when I went in there were $10.00 off the original price so I grabbed it.
It is haning above my TV where I plan on leaving it. I need to move the nail up a couple more inches, and will need to find a new place to hang the flower wreath that was there.
Well that is about all that is happening here.

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Friday, January 18, 2008

Guess What

Guess What? It's going to SNOW!!!

The weather man said it is going to start snowing tomorrow afternoon and that we will get somewhere around 3-6 inches. This is a big deal here. We never ever, ever get snow. Matter of fact the last time we got more than a few flurries was FOUR years ago. Our area panics when we get snow. We can't drive in snow. Store shut down in the snow. Schools Close in the snow. We simply don't know how to act. People are going to the grocery store and buying groceries like they are preparing for a blizzard. I stopped in to Walmart for some soda and odds and ends. All the lines had about 12-15 people in them. I walked right back out the door and went to a local grocer. I had to pay a little more but I only had one person in line in front of me. I am off work until Tues. So I am singing Let it snow Let it snow Let it snow!!!
I will keep you informed of the weather and post some photos as the fluffy stuff starts. Hmmm now where did I put my gloves and hat..Do I own a pair of gloves and hat? I'm telling ya, we are not prepared for this.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2008

My day

I was off today

I was going to watch this

But instead I watched this

I really enjoyed the movie Premonition. I won't spoil the ending for you in case you haven't seen the movie yet, but I have a question for you.
Do you think we can change destiny?


Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Does ayone know

Hey, does anyone know how to make those fancy little drop down boxes like I have on my side bar for my blog archives? That one came pre-made with the beta blogger layouts. I would like to have one to use to put all of my categories in and also one where I can list all of my favorite blogs. Any help would be great. If you don't want to explain it here email please. The email is on my profile.


What's been happening

I know it's been awhile since I have sat down to really write anything of interest in this blog. Time seems to be flying by, and I can't believe it is already almost the middle of January. Where are the days going? I think I am about to finally feel human again after the holiday's. Whew! I don't know if I mentioned it or not but several months ago my husband's car broke down and we have been sharing mine ever since. We don't use credit, or I should say credit doesn't use us since we have a horrible score and can't get any. Anyway we had to save until we could get enough up to get the repairs done. Finally this week we got the car done and I haven't had to get up early. YES!! It seems like it has been forever since I had a morning off. I really need to do some serious cleaning in this apartment. I stored my Xmas things in those plastic containers this year, and they are still sitting in my dinning area along with one box from Halloween. Lack of space is really a problem here. I wish we had the money to move. Our lease is up in April, but unless the money fairy drops some cash our way we will sign the lease here for another year due to lace of funds for new deposits somewhere else.
Actually there is a chance that problem my take care of itself because my daughter is kicking around the idea of moving out of her boyfriends house and back in with us. If that happens we will have to find a three bedroom somewhere. The relationship between her and the boyfriend really has not gone the way she had hoped when she moved in a few months ago so she is torn as to what to do. Deep down I think she wants to get out of there but she doesn't want to give up yet. She did admit that the house is the biggest temptation. She likes livnig in it and having her own home and yard. It is just the toad (boyfriend)that is the problem. I think he is a prick, but you know mom's opinions never count so I am leaving it up to her to do what she wants.
Regardless of what happens there I need to do some serious rearranging in this place.
My second bedroom is also my storage area, and I have a crib in there for when my grandson stays the night. He has outgrown the crib though and needs a twin bed brought in. I am going to have to sort through a lot of my stuff and downsize before that can happen. It's just finding the time. Anyway that is about the jest of my exciting life lol. How is everyone else?


Friday, January 11, 2008

Checking it out

I am looking forward to seeing this moive The Good Witch on the Hallmark Channel. Saturday Janurary, 19th. Check out your local listing for the time in your area.


Getting to know me

I found this fun little meme in my drafts folder. I'm sorry I don't remember who's blog it was on. If I remember right the idea of this meme is to use photos as the answer so see how many you can get right without looking at the answers at the bottom of the page. Also if do this on your blog let me know so I can come by and see your answers

1. Town where you live?

2. Your favorite place

3. Town where you were born

4.Your first name

5. Best Friends Name

6.Your last name

7. A place you would like to travel to

8.Your favorite animals

9. First name of a past love

10.Age at next birthday

11.Your favorite food

12.Bad habit of yours

13.Your favorite color

14.Name of a past pet

15.Your screen name

16.Your middle name

17.First job

18.Grandmothers name

1. I live in Newport News Va. This is a great place to come on vaccation. We have a lot of history here. Jamestown and Willaimsburg are on one side. Norfolk VA home of the largest Naval Base is close by, along with Virginia Beach.

2. I would have to say that Cades Cove in the Smokey Mountains is my favorite place.It is a beautiful valley

3. I was born in LaGrange Georgia, and lived there until I was five. It is just south of Atlanta

4. It's really Patricia, but everone calls me Patty or Pat

5.My best friend is my husband, and his name is really Dean but we met on the Internet and he used the nick name PonyMan, so I choose that as my answer

6. Is spelled a little different but a take off from this word

7. I would love to see Stonehenge in England

8. I like dogs and cats so I picked both.

9. When I was about 14 I had a terrible crush on the boy across the street (Clyde). He is the first boy I was allowed to go out with(only to church things)My dad was Military and we moved and I was gone for about a year. We moved back to the same house, but by then he had a new girlfriend. Although I had dated other boys by then I still had a crush on Clyde. We never dated again but I did go on a few double dates with him and his girlfriend. We both went our own ways, but to me he will always be my "first boyfriend"

10. Whooo Hooo...Bring on the senior citizen discounts!

11.Rare please, with grilled onions and mushrooms. Throw on a little A-1 sauce..yummy

12. Yes, I'm afraid it is true. I bite my nails. Sigh! I've done it ever since I can remember and I hate it but I just don't seem to stop.

13.I love anything purple or aqua blue

14.I had a cat name Miss Kitty

15.As you know I use Autumn as a screen name for the Internet

16, Ann

17. My first job was babysitting in the neighborhood. I made 50 cants and hour and usually averaged 3 a night.

18.My grandmothers were both very close to me when I was growing up. My mom's mother (in the first photo) was named Eva, and my dad's mother was named Ida. They both lived into there 90's and I still miss them very much

Well that is the end of this meme. I think there were a couple of questions I don't have, so feel free to make up some questions if you want to add to it.


Thursday, January 10, 2008

Gathering of the Lurkers

I've heard from several fellow bloggers that this is National De-Lurking Week. Now I am the first to admit I lurk. It isn't that I am shy, or trying to be rude. I simply don't always have something to say. I do all of my reading via and have at any given time between 95 to 100 feeds. I would estimate that at lest 1/2 of those update at lest every 2 days. It takes me an average of 3- 5 minutes to read each blog. Now you start multiplying that and it adds up to about an hour of reading. Now if I take another 3 minutes to sign in and comment on each one that is even more time...and....well, you get the idea. There are simply not enough hours in my day. I am assuming that I have readers who do the same thing. soooooooo. I am not offended if you don't want to comment. However Please feel free to say hi and let me know who you are. If I don't already have you on my list of blogs to read, I will be happy to add you. I just can't promise I will always comment.


Wednesday, January 9, 2008

A bit of folklore

When the first baby laughed for the first time,
the laugh broke into a thousand pieces
and they all went skipping about,
and that was the beginning of fairies.

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Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Money Soup

Sorry I am posting this a bit late to do on New Years Eve, but try it anyway, it can't hurt

This money soup can be made New Years Eve, or any time to attract money during the next year. Remove the silver object before eating the soup.

1 coin or small silver object
2 cups water
1 1/2 tablespoon butter
1 large onion, minced
1 small head green cabbage, shredded
4 cups chicken stock
Salt and Pepper to taste

Boil the sliver object to sterilize it. Melt the butter in a saucepan, add the onion and saute till light brown. Add the cabbage and cook until tender. Toss in the silver object. Add chicken stock to vegetables and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer fifteen minutes. Add salt and pepper to taste.

(Scott Cunningham)

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Saturday, January 5, 2008

Interesting Facts

This collection of human body facts will leave you wondering why in the heck we were designed the way we were.

-Scientists say the higher your I.Q. The more you dream.

-The largest cell in the human body is the female egg and the smallest
is the male sperm.

You use 200 muscles to take one step.

The average woman is 5 inches shorter than the average man.

Your big toes have two bones each while the rest have three.

A pair of human feet contains 250,000 sweat glands.

A full bladder is roughly the size of a soft ball.

The acid in your stomach is strong enough to dissolve razor blades.

The human brain cell can hold 5 times as much information as the
Encyclopedia Britannica.

It takes the food seven seconds to get from your mou th to your stomach.

The average human dream lasts 2-3 seconds.

Men without hair on their chests are more likely to get cirrhosis of
the liver than men with hair.

At the moment of conception, you spent about half an hour as a single

There is about one trillion bacteria on each of your feet.

Your body gives off enough heat in 30 minutes to bring half a gallon of
water to a boil.

The enamel in your teeth is the hardest substance in your body.

Your teeth start growing 6 months before you are born

When you are looking at someone you love, your pupils dilate, and they
do the same when you are looking at someone you hate. -

Your thumb is the same length of your nose.


Wednesday, January 2, 2008


I think my muse is still on Christmas vacation. I have not been able to think of anything to write in this blog for weeks. I think I am just over tired. The holidays
were really hard for me this year. As you know I work at a large retail store in a mall. Retail is tough any time of year but it seems worst as the holidays arrive. The days before Christmas went pretty smooth, but it seemed that the extra help that they hired left on Santa's sleigh because all last week we were short handed. I worked six days straight and finally had a day off yesterday. Of course by then not only was I exhausted my poor apartment is filthy. Laundry is/was piled up, dishes in the sink, and floors to be vacuumed. The tree is still up, and most of what we got for Christmas is still sitting around waiting to be put away. I have to go back to work in a few hours and work till closing tonight...

Oh god, is it spring yet.


Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year and Happy Birthday Robyn

First let me say Happy New Year to all my blogging friends. May your days be filled with sunshine and happiness.

I want to say a special Happy Birthday to Ms. R (Robyn) who turns 50 today.
Robyn is having a special fairy party,

To help her celebrate her special day I invited a few friends to join me in wishing her the best birthday ever!
Enjoy your day dear Robyn