
Labels: Gettysburg
I Haven't Been The Same Since That House Fell On My Sister
Labels: Gettysburg
Labels: Chit Chat, Family Life, Grandkids
As any of you know who follow my blog on a regular basis I love ghost stories and ghost hunting. I would be lying if I told you that I was only going to Gettysburg for the history, because a big part of why I am returning again is for the ghost. Last year my husband and I visited the George house. It has now been turned into an old time photo studio. The current owner and I spent a few minutes talking about the following story and I was shown where the body of Major Reynolds had laid. It was a bit eerie to say the lest.
The following story was stolen borrowed from the Internet
This story was written about in the the excellent Ghosts of Gettysburg series of books written by Mark Nesbitt According to the story, two women tourists were walking past the George House late one night and, since it was currently a craft shop, they stopped and looked into the front window. What they saw was very curious--an empty room except for a woman, dressed in black, sitting in a rocking chair and a man lying on a cot who appeared to be quite dead. The woman seemed to be holding a vigil.The next day, the two women returned to the shop and were very surprised to see it filled with crafts and looking very different from the night before. When they asked the shopkeeper about the wax figures that they had seen the previous evening, the shopkeeper told them they had never had any such figures and this was, after all, a craft store. The tourists, however, were adamant about what they had seen and even knew of a door they had seen the previous night that was now completely hidden by pegboard.
So, how was this possible? How could these two women have seen what they were absolutely certain they had seen? Oddly enough, the most likely answer seems to come from the pages of Gettysburg's history, or more precisely, Gettysburg's "haunted history."
As historic records can confirm, the George House was the exact location that soldiers took the body of Maj. Gen. John F. Reynolds after they carried his lifeless body off the battlefield on July 1, 1863. Reynolds' body was left in the house's small sitting room for many hours while his aides made funeral arrangements. Since Reynolds was a high ranking Union officer deserving of high honors, it is easy to believe that his remains would not be left unattended. As strange as it seems, it appears that the two women tourists happened upon some sort of rift in time that allowed them, for just a little while, to become observers of this very sad and historic moment.
Photo of plaque taken outside the George House, Gettysburg PA. Sept. 24, 2008 (Sorry I don’t have a good photo of the house itself. That is on my list of photo shoots for this up coming trip)
Labels: Civil War History, Gettysburg
By the end of July 1, the first day of battle at Gettysburg, of the 16,500 men deployed by the Union Army, there were only 5,500 survivors. The rest were dead, wounded or captured.
This is a photo of some of the real faces of the men who fought in this battle. (photo taken at Gettysburg visitor center Sept. 2008)
Labels: Civil War History, Gettysburg
Labels: Family Life, Grandkids
Labels: Civil War History, Gettysburg
While in Gettysburg last year, I spent several days looking for the 11th Pennsylvania volunteers monument.(Hint, if you ever go to Gettysburg, buy the book with the photos of all the monuments in it. It is well worth the money and you won’t run around in circles looking for the interesting ones. Yes we got the book on the last day and will be taking it with us this time.)Anyway I was looking for this monument because I want to find Sallie
Sallie was a little dog who was their during the battle. She stayed On the field both during and after the battle of Gettysburg, She stayed with the regiment's dead and wounded. After Lee's army retreated from Gettysburg on July 4th, members of the 12th Massachusetts found her still alive. The dog was weak from lack of food and water. Sallie was unfortunately shot and killed during the fighting on Feb. 6, 1865 at Hatcher's Run VA.
Photo taken of me and Sallie Sept. 2008
Click to enlarge
Labels: Civil War History, Gettysburg
Did you know the battle of Gettysburg happened by pure chance ?
It seems that General Robert E. Lee was heading his troops north towards Harrisburg He heard that their were some boots in Gettysburg. In desperate need for the shoes for his troops he headed his men there.
Meanwhile Union troops were also headed north. They collided so to speak with the Confederate troops and this resulted in the bloody battle of Gettysburg where 50,000 men lost their lives
(Photo taken at Gettysburg Visitor Center-Sept. 21, 2008)
Labels: Gettysburg
Labels: Gettysburg
Labels: Chit Chat
Well another holiday is behind us. Whew. If you haven't figured it out by now, I am NOT a holiday person, preferring to skip them all together. As crazy as it sounds. Halloween is really the only one I like. For the sake of family though I do celebrate the major ones such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Rebecca got a surprise to start off her day when her boyfriend snuck a 8 week old kitten in the bed with her.
I’m not really sure how thrilled she was, since they already have two cats, but I know he will get a good home. As of last night he was still nameless, but she was leaning towards Sebastian.
My grandson was excited to get his Easter basket and was on a sugar high most of the day. I think he enjoyed playing with the bucket the candy came in almost as much as the candy itself.
Cody had dyed some eggs yesterday at his Papa’s house (my ex), but I wanted to share that with him also, so we did some more this morning.
We baled a ham and had a nice lunch then hid the eggs.
We watched Twilight again since the guys had not seen it, then later in the day went to the park to enjoy a bit of sun.
Newport News Park is a favorite of mine, and I never miss a chance to go down to the water.
While we were there I was lucky enough to spot this Heron
After we walked around there awhile we went over to the playground and let Cody play.
By then our day was gone, so we went back to the house and helped clean up a bit and came home.
This evening my hubby and I have just sat around and watched TV. It feels good to be lazy after such a busy day.
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