Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Finding my fairy name

I love faerie's so when I found this link over at Tammy's I had to check it out.

Here is my Fairy Name
Sexy Butterfly Fairy Doll

Your fairy is called Fidget Goblinglitter
She is a bringer of riches and wealth.
She lives in rotting woodlands near poisonous toadstools.
She is only seen in the light of a shooting star.
She wears red with white spots, like the toadstools. She has gentle green wings like a butterfly.
Note: Fairy found at Marksgraphichelp
She is a bit sexier than I wanted but it was the closest thing I could find to the one described..


Winter Blahs

I get a news letter everyday from GrannyMoon
Today I wanted to share this

Daylight Ritual

Incense of the day: Peony

By this time of the winter you may be experiencing “winter blues” from
dreary days, too much snow, or being cooped up in your house too long. Chase
the blues away by making the house springlike. Get “daylight” bulbs and
replace your standard bulbs. Fresh flowers or even artificial ones can add a
springlike feeling. Floral scents such as lavender or lilac will make the
house smell like spring. Wash curtains, bed linens, and towels with a fabric
softener that has that “spring fresh” scent. Add a new picture that brings
spring to mind, or paint one. Maybe add some new, brighter colors around the
house to help lift the winter doldrums. Change your surroundings: add color
and brightness and scent to bring those “winter blues” under control.

By: Boudica
From Llewellyn and GrannyMoon's Morning Feast

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Monday, February 26, 2007

Well, duh!

(Over heard phone conversation at work between a customer and her friend)

Yea, the dog is getting big, I can feel the babies moving around in her stomach. It's just like a "real" pregnancy.

(Thinking to myself...well,duh!......People are so stupid)

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Friday, February 23, 2007

Soft (Photo Hunters)

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This weeks theme is SOFT. You can join the photo hunt

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    My cat Maggie at 6 weeks was as soft ball fo fur


    Now You Know

    If you've been reading my blog for any length of time at all, I am sure you have seen the header I use. It's a great excuse for why I am the way I am and is my way of letting people know I may be a bit "out there" sometimes. Since the blog world already knows. I decided it's time to share it with the rest of the world. I put this on my car this week.


    Wednesday, February 21, 2007

    Shower with a friend

    Yes those are my feet

    And Yes, that is my dog Lucy in the shower with me

    She jumped in as I was about to take my shower this morning. Dean was in the bathroom getting ready for work and grabbed the camera. She stayed in there for most of the shower with me before getting out. Oh and in case inquiring minds want to know..Yes I was already naked when he took these lol

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    On The Home Front

    This disappeared from my front door the other day. Since my door is not on the street (you have to go down a set of steps first) I suspected that either my young neighbors just to be a pain in the butt took it, or maintenance yard crew did while cleaning. Once in a blue moon someone comes along and sweeps the leaves away with a leaf blower, so more than likely it was them. Today I found the mat thrown out where I take the dog to pee. It is the same area that the yard people toss old branches and spread out the leaves they blow. I have to tell you I was pissed. It was bad enough when I got a notice telling me I had to remove everything from my patio a few weeks ago. Now I find that they removed my door mat. I can't believe an apartment complex doesn't want people to even have a door mat. Then again I can't believe what I got in the mail yesterday. It was a letter informing me that I have to the middle of April to come in and renew the lease. I knew it was about time to renew. What I didn't know is the rent is going up. By ONE HUNDRED THIRTY DOLLARS A MONTH!!
    I almost fell over. I couldn't believe it. We don't have an extra $130.00 a month. We also don't have money or deposits to move again. I am sick of moving. My daughter and my grandson are just in the building next door. I am two minutes from my job. I am just sick over this and worried how we will make it financially but I know we will make it somehow. Just out of curiosity though I do plan on getting an apartment guide just to check out what is around town.
    Oh on top of that. We also got a notice that we are getting new kitchen and bathroom cabinets and counter tops on March 5. Then a few days later they will come do new tile This means EVERYTHING has to be moved out of those rooms and also we have to move things in the dinning area so they can work.
    I've needed to go through some of my dishes and things for awhile, but wanted to wait awhile. I guess now I have no choice.
    The new cabinets will be nice except we have an island in the middle between the kitchen and dinning area they they said they are removing completely. This means I have less counter space and no where to put my can goods and things.
    Can we all say it together.....WHAT A PAIN IN THE BUTT.

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    Tuesday, February 20, 2007

    Watching "The Witches Next Door" on My Unique Family

    The God and Goddess are unfolding Their divine plan.
    For this I give thanks...And So It Is!
    Blessed Be!
    Rev Dr.Kendra

    I'm glad my curiosity lead me to watch last nights episode of my Unique Family. It was an hour long show that gave us a peek into the lives of The Rev. Kendra Vaughan Hovey, her husband and two children ages 11 and 8. Kendra founded The First church Of Wicca in Duxbury, Massachusetts

    I was very impressed not only with the show but the entire family. It's about time Wiccans were shown as "real people" and not some drugged out, devil worshiping, baby killing nuts.(Please say this three times "Wiccans aren’t Satanists and do not kill babies or small animals".)

    Not only did the show focus on this, but it focused on a real family. The children were allowed to openly talk about how they felt being in a Wiccan household. They had mixed feelings because they sometimes felt people were afraid of them because they are witches, they also thought that sometimes mom spends to much time with her duties of the church (counselling, working on the next sermon etc.)

    The show also focused on not only how the family felt about the choice of religion it practiced, but showed some of the intolerance in the town by allowing other residents to express how they felt about the church of Wicca being there. (Quote from the shows website "Kendra is a wife, mother, and a 21st century witch. in a town that believes witches are evil in spite of the Church’s golden rule to do no harm.")

    We also were allowed to view a tidbit from the Samhaim Ritual (Halloween). I hope this helped show people what is done and not done at a rituals. I personally didn't care for Kendra wearing black everyday as part of her clergy uniform. She also wore a clergy collar. I have never seen a Wiccan wear one. It reminded me of something a priest would have worn 30 years ago. I also wasn't crazy that it showed the kids playing with a Ouija board, because the Quija has such a bad name usually associated with something from the dark side. I felt that people might say..SEE GEORGE I TOLD YOU THEY WERE EVIL EVIL EVIL! (this is just my opinion though and in no way reflects the family or the show)

    All and all I think it was a well spent hour. I hope it helps some people be more tolerant and acceptant of Wicca. If you didn't get a chance to watch this show try and catch it on the reruns. I think you will be glad you did and perhaps learn a thing or two.

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    Sunday, February 18, 2007

    Monday night TV

    My Unique Family on The Learning Channel will be featuring "The Witches Next Door" on Monday February 19. It is scheduled for 10 EST I plan on watching because I am curious as to how the show will really look into the lives of a Wiccan family. Hopefully it will be realistic, and not show a bunch of nutty people dancing around in long flowing robes. (Yes wiccans do dance and they do wear flowing robes...so I hope you know what I mean...some shows take things to an extreme). Anyway I'm curious. I'll let you know what I thought of the show later.

    For those of you who didn't know My unique family is going to be one of those reality type shows.


    Saturday, February 17, 2007

    Photo Hunt (Antique)

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    This weeks theme is Empty. You can join the photo hunt by going

  • and view the blog list for them on my side bar

    I've had this old butter churn for a long time. It was bought in Knoxville TN. at an antique show. It did not have a dasher when I got it, and I have never found one for it. It is one of the few "real" antiques that I own.


    Friday, February 16, 2007

    Blog Anniversary

    It seems the one year anniversary of my blog has come and gone and I didn't even think about it. My back post show I started this blog on the 12th of Feb.2006 but it was really way before that. I just started over on that date. For several months before I published this blog I had a different one. About that time I was having some bad issues with my ex-husband's lady friend and one of her friends. They were reading it and comments were flying back and forth between us that weren't very nice. In a fit of anger I deleted that blog. I lost everything. I was mad at myself for losing my temper, so I thought about it started over again. I'm glad I did. I have enjoyed blogging this year. A lot has changed in the twelve months since this blog started. My ex's friend and I have reached an understanding. I won't go far as to say we will ever be best friends, but we respect each other now and have both come to realize we don't hate the other. We have a lot more in common than we thought and I am glad she is there for my ex. I hope she feels the same way about me. As for her friend, we have come a long way. We didn't know each other at all. She only knew what she had been told (and most of that was one sided). I know now she was only sticking up for her friend. I have come to care about and admire her alot and read her blog daily.
    Isn't it funny how life can take a twist and turns and become something you lest expect in just a years time.
    To recap my year
    One year ago, we had just moved, we were staying with my duaghter. My husband and I did not have a job yet. I had no pets. I was fighting with my ex husbands girlfriend.
    One year later. We are in our own place, we both work, we have pets, the ex had a heart attack which was bad, but it brought his lady friend and I closer (and her friend and I closer)
    Life is good

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    Thursday, February 15, 2007

    Peanut butter and other stuff

    Have you heard about the recall on peanut butter? Well it seems that peter pan brand has cause some people to get sick. Check you lids and if it has a numbered code that starts with 2111 throw it away. Of course you all know how my luck is..Yep you guessed it. I have a jar, half empty. Thankfully it didn't make me sick. I'm throwing it away.
    I don't eat peanut butter often. Matter of fact it is the last thing I eat just before starvation sets in. I practically lived off of peanut butter for about six weeks when my ex and I split up. I was living in a motel and it took every penny just to pay the rent there each week. I swore once I got out of there an in my own place I would never eat peanut butter again. I've ate maybe two jars since then over the years. My husband on the other hand loves the stuff. He is ok too, unless you count the cold he has. He has been sick with one for about four days now. I don't know about you other ladies, but when mine gets sick he turns into Super baby. Talk about helpless. I won't go into it, because that is another entire blog post in itself. Lets just say if he isn't well soon. I'm going to roll him in duct tape and throw him in the river somewhere (just kidding). On the serious side, he is a bit of a pain. We did manage to have a ok Valentines day. He gave me a dozen long stem red roses and a card, and I got him a card and after shave.

    My daughter got a ring from her boyfriend. They are calling it a "promise" ring, but it is a 1/2 caret diamond Marquise with baguettes and chips. It's gorgeous and I am jealous, I wish I had a promise like that. I can't even begin to sing enough praises for the boyfriend. He is a keeper that is for sure.

    In other news I have the blahs. Winter does this to me every year. I have just been working, coming home, reading the blogs and sleeping. Ive been shopping a bit, but life is dull right now (which is good!)
    Anyway that is about it on the home front for me..How is everyone else's week going?

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    Animal Talk

    Molly: Uhhh Ohhh, Lucy peed on the floor
    Maggie: Quick, lets knock over mom's new fake tree that she just bought yesterday and hide it.
    Lucy: It's in a heavy flower pot. I better help too, after all I'm the one who peed.


    Maggie, Molly and Lucy: (looking innocent) Gee we don't know mom it must have been the bird
    Yea the bird did it..

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    Tuesday, February 13, 2007

    105 Things some people wouldn't ask

    1. When was your last kiss?
    When I got home from work

    2. Do you have a pet? If so, what is their breed, age and names?
    2 cats -Maggie and Molly
    1 dog-Lucy
    1 bird - Bird

    3. What are you reading right now?
    Nothing currently

    4. Do you celebrate 4/20?
    I might if I knew what it was?

    5. Only child?
    No, I have a younger brother and a younger sister

    6. Favorite ice cream?
    Ben and Jerry's New York Super Chunky Fudge

    7. When was your last doctors visit?
    About a month ago

    8. Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?
    No, I get about 6

    9. How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
    30 minutes

    10. "First Loves Are Never Over;" is this true for you?
    Over, but never forgotten

    11. Think of all your exes. Would you take any of them back?

    12. If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would they find you wearing?
    Jeans and a tee shirt

    13. Do you talk to loved ones and friends graves?

    14. Have you ever been on your schools track team?

    15. Do you own a pair of Converse?

    16. Who did you copy and paste this survey from?
    Mama Kelly's Myspace page

    17. Do you eat raw cookie dough?

    18. Have you ever kicked a vending machine?

    19. Don't you hate when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?

    20. Would you rather them play the whole video or just a clip of it on TRL?
    What is TRL?

    21. Do you watch Trading Spaces?

    22. How do you eat oreos?
    Bite them, chew them, swallow....Duh

    23. Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone to sign on?
    Recently no, but years ago I would stay on line for my husband to come chat with me (We met on line)

    24. Are you cocky?
    I can be

    25-29 were missing when I copied and pasted this..sorry

    30. Could you live without a computer?
    Yes, but I would get bored

    31. Do you wear your shoes in the house?

    33. At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?
    Who said he isn't real?

    34. How many phones (house phones and cell phones) are in your house?
    4 two house phones 2 cell phones

    35. What do you do when you're sad?
    It depends on what I'm sad about, sometimes I think of other things, sometimes I cry

    36. Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
    My boss and quit my job

    37. Last time you saw your best friend?
    About 12 years ago (my best friend passed away)

    38. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    I'd would have gone to school and became a social worker or lawyer

    39. Last movie you rented?
    Can't remember we don't rent often

    40. Who/what sleeps with you every night?

    Hubby and one or both cats and the dog

    41. Are you/have you ever been in love?
    Of course

    42. Pancakes or french toast?

    43. How do you like your eggs?
    over easy

    44. Are both of your parents alive?
    no, my dad passed in 2005

    45. Is anyone on your bad side right now?
    Not at the moment

    46. What jewelry are you wearing?
    My wedding rings, on my left hand another ring on my right hand

    47. What's the first thing you do when you get up?
    Take my dog out to pee

    48. Do you own any TV seasons on DVD?

    49. Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?

    50. How do most people spell your name?
    The same way I do

    51. Would you wear a boy/girlfriends clothes?
    I've worn my hubby's tee shirts

    52. What was the first movie to give you nightmares?
    I've never had nightmares from a movie

    53 & 54
    These questions were missing..sorry

    55 Who's your favorite celebrity couple?
    No one, I don't do the celebrity thing

    56. Favorite 80's teen movie?
    Don't have one

    57. Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
    Sorry I'm old, I wouldn't know who Justin Timerlake was if I tripped over him.

    58. Do you know someone that wasn't born in the united states?

    59. Favorite name for a boy?
    Jason and Cody..My son and grandson

    60. Will you keep your last name when you get married?
    I'm already married and no I took his name

    61. Your favorite restaurant you don't get to eat much at?
    Red Lobster

    62. When is the last time you left your house?
    When I went to work

    63. If any of your parents are deceased, how old were you when they passed?
    My dad died two years ago. I was 51

    64. Dont mind me asking, how did they pass?

    65. Have you ever cursed at a teacher or a boss?
    Not where they could hear me

    66. How do you eat your steak?

    67. Do you return your cart?

    68. How do you get to school?
    I have been out of school a long time, but when I went I road a bus or went with friends in there car

    69. Do you have a dishwasher?

    70. What noise do you hear?
    My dog barking, she wants outside

    71. Would you survive in prison?
    Probably not

    72. Next concert you hope to go to?
    Something country

    73. What was the last thing you ate?
    Fried Chicken and french fries

    75. Who is the youngest in your family?
    My grandson is one

    76. If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would be most likely to over pack?
    I have no idea

    77. Do you know anyone with the same name as you?
    first name or last name?

    78. How many syllables does your name have?

    079. What does your license plate say?
    Mine doesn't say anything...I didn't know license plates talked?

    80. When is the last time you ate peanut butter?
    I ate it in crackers a few days ago

    81. What service is your cell phone?
    Net 10

    82. When's the last time you ran?

    Me run?

    083. What's the last thing you purchase?
    Dog food

    84. Do your siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
    I haven't been shopping with them in a long time but I'm sure they would

    85. Where is your cell?
    in my purse

    86. Is your phone on vibrate or ring?

    87. What brand are your pants right now?
    No brand

    88. Ever been to Vegas?
    no, but I've been to Dollywood

    89. Did you have breakfast this morning?

    90. Do you like marshmallows?

    91. What irritates you most on the internet?
    Sites with music you can't turn off without muting your computer

    092. What brand is your digital camera?

    093. Do you watch movies with your parents?

    94. Do you wear short shorts?
    no that would be scary

    96. What song best describes your life right now?

    097. Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?

    98. Are you taking college classes right now?

    99. Who are you dating right now?
    nobody ... Im married

    100. do your parents know u curse?
    Who told!

    101. Do you like sushi?

    102. Do you get your hair cut every month?

    103. Where do you go every day?

    104. Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?

    105. If you could look like any family member, dead or living, who would it be?
    my dad


    Sunday, February 11, 2007


    To tired to blog, be back in a few days...everything is fine, its just been busy lately.(shopping, working, kids, husband with a cold..you know normal sutff. lol)


    Saturday, February 10, 2007

    Candy Hearts

    I found this little quiz over at Pea's,and thought it was cute.

    Which candy heart are you?

    Your Candy Heart Says "First Kiss"

    You're a true romantic who brings an innocent hope to each new relationship.
    You see the good in every person you date, and you relish each step of falling in love.

    Your ideal Valentine's Day date: a romantic dinner your sweetie cooks for you

    Your flirting style: friendly and sweet

    What turns you off: cynics who don't believe in romance

    Why you're hot: you always keep the romance alive


    Thursday, February 8, 2007

    Redneck Me

    I went to work today in these.

    I had no idea I was wearing two different socks until I got home. Ok that is forgive-able. I had done laundry yesterday and didn't have everything sorted and put away. When I got up this morning I grabbed socks and put them on my feet slipped on my shoes and went out the door to work. Easy mistake. The socks were both beige, made different, and different colors but still beige. So the wearing them to work part isn't so horrible. Its what happened later. We went out to dinner and I didn't change them....I'm such a redneck

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    Tuesday, February 6, 2007

    How many of these do you remember?

    1. Bazooka chewing gum

    2. Little wax Coke-shaped bottles with colored sugar water inside

    3. Television broadcasts ending at night and not coming on until late morning

    4. Soda pop machines that dispensed bottles

    5. Hamburger joints with table side jukeboxes

    6. Home milk delivery in glass bottles with cardboard stoppers

    7. Telephone "party lines"

    8. Newsreels shown before the movie

    9. Butch wax

    10. Telephone numbers with a word prefix (Olive-6933)

    11. Peashooters

    12. The Howdy Doody Show

    13. 45 RPM records (and record players)

    14. S&H Green Stamps

    15. Television test patterns

    16. Metal ice trays with levers

    17. Mimeograph paper

    18. Blue flashbulbs

    19. The Amos and Andy show (radio or TV!)

    20. Roller skate keys

    21. Cork popguns

    22. Drive-in theaters

    23. Studebakers (they were automobiles)

    24. Wash tub wringers

    25. The television day beginning and ending with The Star Spangled Banner

    If you remembered 0-7, you're still young (ish)
    If you remembered 8-14, you're getting older
    If you remembered 15-20, don't tell your age
    If you remembered 21-25, you're older than dirt!

    Just so everyone knows I shouldn't tell my age. I remembered at lest 19 of these things.


    Monday, February 5, 2007

    A four letter word

    The weather man said a four letter word


    It is cold here tonight and is going to be even colder in the morning. 11 degrees in the morning with a wind chill of 3. Brrrrr.

    I am NOT a winter person, and I espically don't like SNOW. Ok confession. I wouldn't mind a little snow, only because my grandson has never seen snow and I want to play with him in it. For about an hour. Then it can melt!


    Sunday, February 4, 2007

    I want it

    When I get the money and the nerve I want this as a tattoo on my shoulder


    Friday, February 2, 2007


    Imbolc is a Celtic tradition, and the holiday of the Goddess Brigid. She is the goddess of fire and transformation.

    The holiday is a festival of the hearth and home, and a celebration of the lengthening days and the early signs of spring.

    It is a tradition on Imbolc, at sunset, to light candles in every window in the house to honor the goddess of light. To prepare yourself, take a ritual bath, lit by candles and scented with incense if possible. Put all the lights out, and blow out the candles. Go to the easternmost door or window, light a white candle, and say "Brigid be with us, Brigid inspire us, Brigid be with us."
    Go clockwise throughout the house, lighting the candles, reciting this chant. If you live in a two story house start on the top floor. After you have lit the house, return to the place you started and chant, "Brigid is with us, Brigid is with us, Brigid is with us. You can put out most of the candles and turn off whatever lights you don't want on, but let at lest one candle burn itself out

    *note, This was taken from Llewellyn's Witches Datebook 2005 and was written by Magenta Griffith..

    Happy Imbolc everyone
